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Ice hockey: Magnus League – Magnus League – Final match 3: Angers vs Grenoble – Stunning!

Ice hockey – Magnus League – Final match 3: Angers vs Grenoble
4 5
(1-3 3-0 0-1 0-1)
After extension
After penalty shootout
On 09/04/2022
Ice Park Angers
[ Angers  ] [ Grenoble  ]
Stunning! Third game of the Magnus League final
IcePark Angers, Weekly Hockey

Jrmy Gorget le 10/04/2022 13:43


3586 spectators
Referees : MM. Bliek et Dehaen assists the MM. Margry and Constantineau
Buts :
Angers : ; 18.54 Tommy Giroux (ass Robin Gaborit); 31.07 Loc Farnier; 31.57 Maurin Bouvet (ass Philippe Halley and Vincent Llorca); 39.43 Neil Manning (ass Vincent Llorca)
Grenoble : 06.55 Damien Fleury; 10.32 Dylan Fabre; 14.17 Peter Valier (ass Julien Munoz and Sbastien Bisaillon); 46.17 Nicolas Deschamps (ass Markus Poukkula and Kyle Hardy); 70.00 Sacha Treille
4 minutes against Angers
40 minutes including 10+20 Fleury against Grenoble

After being down 0-3, the Angers were able to get back into the game to lead 4-3 at the end of the 2nd period! Deschamps equalizes in the third third. The extension will not give anything, the Grenoble will win in a shootout.

Shots on goal: 3 – 4

1 : Coulombe 0 / Treille +1
2 : Giroux 0 / Hardy 0
3 : Bouvet +1 / Fabre +1
4 : Halley +1 / Champagne +1
5 : Bouchard +1 / Tuppurainen 0
6 : Bouchard 0 / Treille +1

Find the photo gallery of the match

Photo hockey Magnus League - Magnus League - Final match 3: Angers vs Grenoble - Stunning!
photo: Jrmy Gorget

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Article reactions
baloobdl a crit on 04/10/2022 17:57
For the attention of Fanseat following the visualization of this match 3, take cameramen who follow the puck and do not stop in the neutral zone when the puck goes to the cage and the player scores… I have been for a while I saw Fanseat because super bad, and I see that there, again, it’s total failure… goal 2 of the invisible BDL!!! what is the use of paying (expensive) to see nothing, I ask. Roll on Sunday and Sport in France that we can FINALLY follow a match correctly.
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