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Ice hockey: Magnus League – Magnus League: 33rd day: Grenoble vs Angers – Huge hockey fight but not only!

Ice hockey – Magnus League: 33rd day: Grenoble vs Angers
3 2
(1-0 1-2 1-0)
The 17/01/2023
Ice rink Pole Sud Grenoble
[ Grenoble  ] [ Angers  ]
Huge hockey fight but not only! Grenoble, the first team guaranteed to take part in the play-offs for 2/3 of the championship, receives Angers, who are coming out of an intense European weekend with their 3 matches beyond regulation time. Angers are therefore tired and deprived of Dusseau, Ritz and Di Dio Balsamo. But their line of fire is well presented with their best pointer Charbonneau. Cot Grenoble Deschamps still wears the gold helmet while Treille, Onno, Jalasvaara and Aubin are absent.
Ice rink Pole Sud Grenoble, Hockey Weekly

Nicolas Scordialo, Damien Magnat on 18/01/2023 10:07


4120 spectators
Referees : MM. Barbez et Fret assists the MM. Margry and Zede
Buts :
Grenoble : 03.35 Aurelien Dair (ass Jol Champagne) ; 35.30 Damien Fleury (ass Jere Rouhiainen and Quinton Howden) ; 59.46 Adel Koudri (ass Quinton Howden and Jere Rouhiainen)
Angers : ; 3349 Robin Gaborit (is Philippe Halley and Tommy Giroux) ; 37.24 Matt Prapavessis (is Nick Ross and Zack Torquato)
48 minutes including 5 Koudri and 5+20 Stepanek against Grenoble
65 minutes including 5+20 Torquato and 5+25 Serer against Angers

Angers opened fire first with a Manavian missile ringing the uprights, but it would take until after the mid-third to see their first shot on target. In the meantime Howden begins to find his marks and launches on Cowley who deflects. Both teams make good exits from areas and go up to the goalkeepers alternately. Manavian misses his raise to the delight of Aurélien Dair who does not miss the opportunity to open the scoring [1-0 / 3’35’’]. The Angevins had more or less stopped playing because Prapavessis was kneeling on the ground but the referees let them play. The pack is on, Howden, Fabre and Crinon call on Cowley in turn as tempers heat up leading to the first Grenoble power play well held by the visitors (8th). Cowley puts on a show and leaves the Grenoble attackers almost no rebound (already 10 shots to nothing for the locals). Flavian Dair trips an Angevin, Poukkula puts on a huge load, two faults not whistled by the referees whose negligence will cause the match to skid as we will see. Finally the Dukes have a numerical superiority which allows them to finally throw at the cage but Stepanek watches (15th). They continue with another who will not be more prolific. Only Giroux, Ross then Torquato could have worried the goalkeeper well in place despite the few shots. Advantage for Grenoble on the return to the locker room, which could have been greater without the good performance of Cowley.

Engagements : 16/10 Angers
Shots: 17/8 Grenoble

Photo hockey Ligue Magnus - Ligue Magnus : 33
photo: Jean-Christophe Salom

Angers shows a completely different face from the start of the second twenty with Manning (21st), then Prapavessis (23rd) or Halley (24th). Fleury tries a gri-gri but Cowley is not fooled (25th). Grenoble then benefits from 2 power plays in a row which will be disrupted by Angevins well in place. Only Rouhiainen twice will have found a window of opportunity without success. Grenoble even suffered two counterattacks by Meija then Ross stopped by Stepanek. Crinon’s aggression on Manning offers a 2+2 to the visitors who take the opportunity to settle in the offensive zone and the work will pay off. A magnificent tic-tac-toe Giroux-Halley-Gaborit ends in the bottom for a deserved equalizer [1-1 / 33’49’’]. But Angers is penalized again, Fleury cleans the skylight with a nice swept throw [2-1 / 35’30’’]. Crinon is on the black list of zebras and returns for the 4th time to prison. The power play is well established, Prapavessis finds a shooting angle, launches and the puck ends up in the cage, deflected by a Grenoble player [2-2 / 37’24’’]. Angers continue to press at the end of the third with Sarlieve who finds the mitten or Giroux. On a dazzling counter Fleury serves Poukkula alone and offbeat who finally gives him the puck for an open backhand cage. Everyone believes in the goal, but Cowley, coming back out of nowhere, places his mitten to the great despair of Fleury who blames himself, situation confirmed by video arbitration. A second third of great intensity with the return of the Angevins in the part where everything remains to be done.

Engagements : 12/6 Grenoble
Shots: 13/12 Angers

Photo hockey Ligue Magnus - Ligue Magnus : 33
photo: Jean-Christophe Salom

Grenoble is skating hard and wants to quickly regain the advantage in this 3rd third so as not to give the Dukes any hope, who should still slow down and yet don’t seem tired. Giroux (44th) or Gaborit (45th) keep Stepanek awake with in particular an authoritarian mitt before the match degenerates. Deschamps and Serer at the Grenoble blue look for each other, the Angevin gives a huge blow on the head of the golden helmet. Stepanek comes out of his hinges and rushes at Serer while Deschamps pulls himself out and does not want to participate in the fight which Koudri joins then some other reckless. This would not have happened if the zebras had known how to hold the match. In short the verdict is heavy with 5 ‘for Koudri, match penalty for Serer (5 + 25) while Stepanek inherits a misconduct for harshness (2 + 5 + 20) and unfortunately leaves his team in inferiority. Garnier therefore enters the ice to replace him on this power play of the Dukes and makes his first save against Giroux. No sooner had the penalty been killed than Rouhiainen returned to the bench, but the locals managed this weak time well. Garnier stops a shot from the helmet and raises his arm under the total indifference of the refereeing body which should have stopped the game. This does not disturb the cerbere isérois more than that, which connects the stops (12 in total), as can be seen Charbonneau whose throw is deflected by the pad (53rd). Against all odds, Angers still seem to have the legs despite their European final and the trip. A charge to the head committed by Torquato allows Grenoble to finish the match in superiority. Koudri, 14” from the siren deceives Cowley on loan and offers victory to his team [3-2 / 59’46’’]. Angers takes a timeout, brings out his goalkeeper but remains with only 5 outfield players and cannot initiate anything. Fleury and Llorca are voted players of the match.

Engagements : 15/8 Angers
Shots: 15/13 Angers

Mixed results this evening for the Grenoble residents who, of course, pocketed 3 points again after this 17th consecutive victory, but the indiscipline risks costing them dearly, in particular the misconduct for the match from Stepanek (whose behavior is unacceptable for a goalkeeper of this experience) who could be deprived of Friday’s match against Rouen. This 4th meeting between the two teams (all won by Grenoble) was once again of a high level and of great intensity and will once again leave marks both physical and psychological. The game was marked by 3 exclusions which fortunately remains rare at this level (65′ against Angers and 48′ against Grenoble). In addition to the bad image that this can show, it is the physical and sporting consequences that are to be feared. The refereeing body allowed too much play and was quickly overwhelmed by this high-commitment part, which is unfortunately recurrent in France where the level of referees has not evolved as quickly as the level of the championship.

Photo hockey Ligue Magnus - Ligue Magnus : 33
photo: Jean-Christophe Salom
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baloobdl a crit on 18/01/2023 15:28
For having followed the match closely, I confirm what the columnist said …. the refereeing of this match was a disaster which made this match become an MMA ring more than an ice rink … The Angevins behaved like thugs, I’ve been following hockey for many years and I’ve never seen a player headbutt another like what happened last night, repeated assaults not whistled by two zebras totally on the street.
when a training of referees taken in France, it is high time that the officials of the FFHG get started otherwise hockey will remain at this level and will not be able to progress as it should. I regret seeing the Dukes in this light, a team that I respected a lot and for which I even had an ertzine admiration for their work and the opposition they had shown us last year. The Angers match will be tough, very tough if referees worthy of the name are not on the ice then.
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