Home » today » News » IC5 collision between jeep and truck causes three injured, two serious

IC5 collision between jeep and truck causes three injured, two serious

A collision between a jeep and a heavy goods vehicle, at kilometer 45 of Complementary Itinerary 5 (IC5), this Sunday night, in the municipality of Alijó, caused two serious injuries and a slight injury.

The accident occurred shortly after 8 pm, in the direction of Carrazeda de Ansiães-Alijó, just after the bridge over the river Tua.

The commander of Alijó’s Voluntary Firefighters, José Carlos Rebelo, told JN that when they arrived at the scene, they found that “the light vehicle had hit the long goods vehicle” and there were “three victims, two of them inspiring greater care”. A fourth person, “although conscious, was a little disoriented”.

“Two of the victims – two men, 68 and 22 – had several injuries,” said José Carlos Rebelo, stressing that “they were not at immediate risk of life”, despite the situation of the 68-year-old victim being “more worrying”. The slightly injured person is in his 30s.

The three wounded, who were still in the jeep, were transported to the Vila Real Hospital. The truck driver was not injured.

“The idea is that the two vehicles were going in the same direction”, stressed the commander of the firefighters in a first analysis of the causes of the accident. The investigation is being carried out by GNR.

Traffic at the site was even cut off to help the victims and clean the pavement. 34 operatives were involved with the support of 14 vehicles of the Voluntary Firefighters of Alijó and Carrazeda de Ansiães, the teams of the Medical Emergency and Resuscitation Vehicle of Vila Real and the ambulance with Immediate Life Support from Mirandela, as well as the GNR.

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