Home » today » Business » Ibrahima Ngom Elected Secretary General of SYNACOM, Pledges to Improve Working Conditions for Trade Administration Agents

Ibrahima Ngom Elected Secretary General of SYNACOM, Pledges to Improve Working Conditions for Trade Administration Agents

Dakar, 12 (APS) – Ibrahima Ngom, head of the regional trade service of the Sédhiou region (south) was elected, on Saturday in Dakar, secretary general of the National Union of Trade Administration Agents (SYNACOM), a found the APS.

“I feel accountable for the balance sheet of the outgoing office. We are going to continue the work to consolidate the gains and initiate a new vision in order to allow all the agents to feel themselves in the actions of the ministry (of Trade), “said Mr. Ngom after his election at the end of a general assembly in Dakar.

Deputy Secretary General in the outgoing office, Ibrahima Ngom pledged to “defend the material and moral interests of all officials of the Ministry of Commerce”.

“Emphasis will be placed on the training of all agents, in particular marshals, controllers, drivers among others. Proposals will be made in the direction of creating a training school for the agents of our department”, assured the new general secretary of SYNACOM.

In front of his colleagues, he maintained that “the living and working conditions of the agents of the Ministry of Commerce must be reviewed, the buildings housing the services must also be renovated”.

In addition, Ibrahima Ngom promised to make a plea in order to promote “pay equity” in favor of agents from the National School of Administration (ENA).

The outgoing Secretary General Adama Mouhamed Mbaye, for his part, reported that a “resolution was taken to increase the amount of contributions, as well as social support for poor agents”.

Referring to “the precarious situation” of temporary agents who are not yet integrated into the public service, Mr. Mbaye noted that there are “the beginnings of a solution” for certain agents, “but for others, it will be necessary to continue the fight “.

2023-08-13 01:19:13
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