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IAS Outrages Democrats, This is AHY’s Instructions to Cadres in South Sulawesi


Chairman of the Democratic Party (Ketum PD) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) decided that Ni’matullah would return to his position as Chairman of the South Sulawesi Democratic DPD. AHY instructed Ni’matullah to embrace all DPCs, including 16 supporting DPCs Ilham Arief Sirajuddin (IAS) at the Musda Democrats.

“As instructed by the General Chair (AHY), we now have an obligation to carry out solidification, solidity at all levels. Including Ulla (Ni’matullah) has received an assignment to embrace the supporters who yesterday supported Pak IAS,” said the Head of BP OKK DPP Party Democrat Herman Khaeron, as quoted detiksulselSunday (29/5/2022).

Herman explained that the 16 Democratic DPCs in South Sulawesi have now returned to solidity under the command of Ni’matullah. Because, said Herman, the Musda has been completed and the inauguration has also been carried out.

“Until now, I think almost all DPCs support Pak Ulla’s leadership. This means that all existing DPCs follow or follow the DPP’s decision,” he said.

Now, said Herman, the Democratic Party is getting ready to welcome political contestation in 2024. That’s why, said Herman, his party needs to consolidate parties at all levels.

“Of course nothing is perfect with its advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully Mr. Ulla can immediately run the party machine properly, embracing all party elements,” he said.

Read the full news here.

Also check out ‘President’s Shout for AHY When Visiting East Java’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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