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IAIP opens sanction proceedings against Osiris Luna for not disclosing travel information | El Salvador News

After meeting the deadline for compliance with the resolution of the IAIP, the Directorate of Criminal Centers said it was impossible to abide by it “since at no time of the trips made were public funds used.”

The Institute of Access to Public Information has initiated a sanction process against thel Director General of Criminal Centers, Osiris Luna, for not revealing information about the payment of your trips made in October 2019 to Mexico and the United States.

A few days ago, the entity resolved that the information on the official’s trips are public in nature for what he gave until Thursday, January 30 to present. However, after the deadline, the resolution was not addressed.

The IAIP ordered the Criminal Center to provide details of the costs and origin of travel financing to which the legal representation of the Directorate of Criminal Centers said it was “factually” impossible to comply with this resolution since none of the trips used public funds and are outside the scope of this Institute.

“Having fulfilled the deadline for such delivery (January 30, 2020), the legal representation of the official informed the Institute that they will submit a notice of demand with request for precautionary measure before the administrative contentious jurisdiction against the resolution, considering it violates powers legal, ”the IAIP said in a statement.

Regarding this, the IAIP has indicated that it is unaware that such claim has been received and admitted by the competent court, and also clarified that the precautionary measure has not been granted for the suspension of what is required.

The information was requested by the Director of Political Affairs, Juan Valiente, who before the refusal of the Office of Information and Response (OIR) of Penal Centers resorted to the IAIP.

According to a report from the Office of Access to Public Information of Criminal Centers, issued on November 26 in response to the request made by former deputy Juan Valiente, Luna traveled to Mexico between October 10 and 13 of this year, whose “main objective was to expose one of the most important points of the Government’s security strategy within the framework of the Territorial Control Plan (…)”.

He informed that this was paid by a non-governmental organization (NGO) and that the trip he made to the United States was financed by a foreign government, without revealing names.

Luna’s trip went viral on social media with the hashtag #QuienLePagoElViajeAOsirisLuna, after last November 10 photographs of the official on board of a private jet in the company of a woman, which Luna identifies as his “assistant”.

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