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IACHR denounces detention conditions in Nicaragua and calls for the release of political prisoners

Washington. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned this Wednesday the detention conditions in Nicaragua and called on the government of President Daniel Ortega to release at least 36 political prisoners detained “arbitrarily.”

This body of the Organization of American States (OAS) claims to have received testimonies from some of the 135 people released from prison on September 5 and exiled to Guatemala.

They accuse officials of “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” such as “beatings and electric shocks, prolonged isolation, sleep deprivation, constant interrogations, and limited access to sunlight,” it states in a statement.

They complained, he says, of “unhealthiness in the cells, lack of access to drinking water, insufficient and poor quality food, negligent medical care and lack of access to medications,” as well as “restrictions on receiving parcels and visits.” relatives”.

Women detained in the La Esperanza penitentiary center reported “lack of access to basic hygiene products, inadequate sleeping spaces and overcrowded conditions in unsanitary cells,” it adds.

Some testimonies claim that “isolation regimes” are applied. At least 36 people continue to be arbitrarily detained,” including at least eight indigenous leaders who remain “in deplorable unsanitary conditions, without access to drinking water, with inadequate food, lack of medical care and reports of mistreatment,” condemns the IACHR.

The Commission calls on Nicaragua to “release” all of them and put an end to “the persecution and harassment against human rights defenders, activists and political opponents.”

On the other hand, it asks the States that welcomed the released political prisoners, whose Nicaraguan nationality was withdrawn, to give them “international protection and a stable immigration status” to “facilitate their integration.”

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