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«I would leave everything to set up a beach bar in Australia»




Her family is the anchor that has kept her safe from the storm that shook her life and from which she has recovered with great effort: “The only thing that keeps you going is, on the one hand, your husband’s love; on the other, as a mother, the responsibility towards your children. Although in the worst moments they have been the ones who have given me strength ». Miss Spain and actress, Esther Arroyo placeholder image (53 years old) has returned to a job as a presenter to which, after the car accident that almost left her invalid, she thought she would never return: «On the first day of recording, everyone told me that it seemed that time had not passed, that he did it as if he had continued to present all these years.

It comes out alone, it is in me, call it spontaneity ». With ‘Chef by ear’, a cooking contest, Esther has discovered the important role of the container in our lives: «When I visit my mother, some of them fall on me. In the end you realize that this mother’s food is not only delicious, it is the one that comforts you and brings you the best memories ». As for her talent in the kitchen, the presenter is not shy: «Having seen what I have seen in the program, I cook that you shit (laughs). But why I am concerned about food. The dishes of my grandmother, my mother and my aunt were spectacular. And that educates your palate. It is something that I have instilled in my children so that they grow up healthy. I don’t cook badly, but I have a simple kitchen.

Esther, together with the San Fernando Local Police, stars in a solidarity calendar to raise funds for the Association of Relatives and Epilepsy Patients (Afede): «When María Isabel, its president, proposed it to me, and you see the energy of that fighting woman I could not refuse. I have always been supportive, but now I have become aware of the pain of others. I have empathy with people who suffer.. When someone comes and tells me that something hurts, I understand what they are going through because I have been there too ». The model, who has been litigating against the insurer for years to collect compensation, cannot bear injustice. For that reason, the entire judicial process he experienced remembers it as a nightmare worse than rehabilitation. «I was dying of pain, but that helplessness that I felt during the trials … It just doesn’t fit in my head. It was devastating. They had me for years without knowing if I could work, without receiving a penny, they made me feel guilty. When I watch the news and I see the evictions, it blows me away. I have always been an advocate for the poor, as I say. I jump if they want to hit a woman or if they insult a homosexual … But I don’t understand the laws, we are sold. I no longer believe in Justice.

A tragic lesson

“Although it sounds harsh, the only positive lesson from an accident, from an experience like this, is that you understand that Everything has a solution, except for death», Esther emphasizes. «I am not going to say that there have not been moments when I have not thought about throwing in the towel, moments of great downturn, but in the end you go ahead for the love of yours. But frankly, considering the way I am, that lesson could have been spared me. Despite everything, Esther doesn’t think that damned accident has changed her so much: “My only ambition is to be happy. And I assure you that this is much more ambitious than it seems, because many believe that the important thing is success, being number one. I enjoy simple things and everything interests me ». In her eagerness to live experiences, Esther recognizes that she would be able to pack her bags and start over, far from here: «The whole family agrees. We would go to Australia to set up a beach bar of whatever. I love to change houses. We had to sell ours and I’m not going to buy another anymore, I don’t want to feel trapped. The accommodation makes me dizzy. I’d rather be free I am an adventurer. With his family he would go to the end of the world: «We have all suffered. My husband also suffered trauma, but he has had a worse time with my illnesses than with his. And my children had to adapt. Ainhoa, the little girl, has developed a tremendous sensitivity; Francisco José, the eldest, had to mature faster ».

I didn’t want to be a model

Esther Arroyo recognizes that her life has always been in the hands of destiny: «I never wanted to be a model, not even when I was already one. That I was a clown, yes, but I was pulling more for acting. But mine was coincidence. Things were being proposed to me and I was accepting them because I saw myself capable of doing them. When Dani Écija called me for ‘Periodistas’, I hadn’t even acted at school. Of course, in my house I did a lot of performances. But I just enjoy everything: I have enjoyed being an ‘au pair’ and washing dishes. I do not place so much value on what I do but on the experience I live or the people I know. I’m not a mythomaniac, I don’t value people for what they are. People and the energy they give off can me. That is why I am able to enjoy any job, as I have done by renting bicycles and skateboards, as I did after the accident.

A curiosity, if you want to know if Esther Arroyo is comfortable, look at her hair: «It’s the first thing I change if I’m not well. Cutting my hair gives me a lot of energy. In fact, it is said that you have to cut your ends to discharge bad rolls. But I notice it a lot, I’m not kidding. I have had long hair for a while, but I keep it because I am so thin that if I cut it short, I disappear. Well no, we do not want it to disappear, and much less now that it has returned to our screens, to our lives.

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