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I will not rule without people’s support

Cancún, QR.— President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called his adversaries, who ask that he resign his office, not to eat cravings, because in 2022 he will submit to the revocation of mandate, in which the people will decide if their term ends until 2024.

“We can’t take a step back, [pero] That is not understood by our adversaries, [aquellos] who protest, who want me to resign, to leave the government. Do not eat cravings, I established the rules myself.

“Next year, [durante] elections to renew Congress, people will vote if they want conservatism, corruption, privileges to return.

“The people are free and I will always respect the popular mandate. In 2022, as one of the regime’s organic intellectuals recalled a few days ago, the revocation of mandate.

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“[Se trata de] a reform that I promoted so that in that year people were asked: ‘Do you want the President to continue or to resign?’ because the people put in and the people take away, ”he said in a video prior to his arrival at this destination, where his work tour started.

This weekend it circulated in social networks another video in which a group of intellectuals analyze the government of López Obrador.

In the material, one of the participants suggests using institutional channels to weaken the current Presidency and, with the wear and tear of the government, in 2022 win him the revocation of his mandate.

In this sense, López Obrador commented that his adversaries can continue to articulate themselves, but he insisted that they are very corrupt, they do not want to lose their privileges and they are not humanists.

“Why [a mis adversarios] they do not care about the other, the neighbor. In short, we respect that conservative way of thinking and we respect the right to dissent ”, he assured.

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The President stated that if in 2022 the Mexicans ask him to resign, he will withdraw, but if the people decide to continue as President, then it will end until 2024 because, he said, he is a Democrat and a supporter of non-reelection.

“I am in favor of effective suffrage, not reelection. We are going forward to continue transforming the country, to end corruption, with privileges, “he said.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He added that there are resistances, because, he said, before the public budget was used for public servants to live a great life and full of attention and privileges.

“Not only [se trataba de] public servants, too [había] journalists, pseudo-intellectuals, academics, all in the shadow of public power, to applaud, to burn incense at [entonces] President ”, he stated.

In his message prior to his departure by land from his villa in Palenque, Chiapas, heading to Cancún, Quintana Roo, López Obrador emphasized that as the song puts it: “When the people don’t love me, I’m going to cry, but I’m also going to retire [del cargo]I’m not going to govern [México] if I don’t have the support of the people ”.

In the shadow of a ceiba tree, the Executive affirmed that a ruler who does not have the popular support is like a dry leaf, and assured that as a politician he is not an ambitious vulgar, since he fights for principles.

He mentioned that it is a stamp of pride that he is being attacked and questioned for the transformation process he is leading.

Recognizes pandemic situation

Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that yesterday was the last day of the National Sana Distancia Day to confront the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 and that as of today the so-called “new normality” begins.

However, he acknowledged that the pandemic has filled the country with grief and mourning over the death of many Mexicans, for which he sent condolences to the families of the victims.

In this sense, he affirmed that despite the problems, we must go ahead, fight to have a better society and move forward with the transformation of Mexico.

He said that as of today activities such as mining, the automotive and construction industries restart work, so he decided to start the tour this day to give the flag in the sections where the Maya Train track will be built, which, He added, this year will generate around 80 thousand jobs.

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