A group of pro-reform demonstrators, who demonstrated this morning (Thursday) at the Arlozorov Bridge in Tel Aviv, were attacked by left-wing demonstrators who arrived at the scene. The left-wing protesters grabbed the signs of the right-wing activists, stepped on them and started a verbal confrontation, among other things they threatened “I will break you up”, another protester slapped them “Get out of here and be somewhere else”.
Despite the disturbing documentation, Dvir, one of the right-wing activists who participated in the demonstration, said that most of the time a positive atmosphere was maintained and conversations were even created between the demonstrators of the different parties, but certainly such an event clouded the attempt to bridge the gaps.
video-credit">Video: Naria Shor
Meanwhile, during the protest in central Tel Aviv, dozens of demonstrators broke into the Ayalon Darom lanes between the Arlozorov Interchange and the Shalom Interchange, blocking traffic. Earlier during a protest with the participation of thousands in the Horev center and the Mtm intersection in Tel Aviv, one of the demonstrators blocked the road and interfered with the work of the police officers there and another protester allegedly attacked another protester. Police forces operating at the scene to maintain public order arrested the suspects, a 33-year-old resident of Haifa and another person whose details are not yet known, for questioning at the Haifa Police Station.
In the meantime, anti-reform activists even spray-painted inscriptions on the doors of the Great Synagogue in Magdiel Square in Hod Hasharon, the worshipers were surprised to find when they arrived for morning prayer the word “Resist” sprayed on the doors along with an illustration of a fist, the symbol of protest against the legal reform.
Worshipers at the synagogue said that “the place has been used by the city’s residents for over 100 years, being a place of prayer, tradition and love, and being a place for everyone. It should be left as a protest against the political disputes.” The mayor of the city, Amir Kochavi, expressed his disgust at the act and said: “This morning I asked the director of the security division to file a complaint with the police about the vandalism of public buildings in light of a graffiti attack carried out tonight. Whether it is a protest or a provocation for its own sake – there is no place to damage public buildings, schools or synagogues that are a place Safe for the entire population in Hod Hasharon. After the police inspection and approval – the graffiti will be painted back and I hope that with the help of the cameras the police will find those who damaged the public buildings. I see that there are attempts on the networks to turn this into a war between residents and residents. It is not possible. Hod Hasharon is a city of communities that know To develop uniqueness but also to live together and that’s how it will remain.”
Tonight, as part of the protest events, a central demonstration is expected at 19:00 in HaBima Square in Tel Aviv, from where a torchlight march will take place.