Home » today » Health » “I will be the minister of ‘with you'”, Olivier Véran appointed Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation

“I will be the minister of ‘with you'”, Olivier Véran appointed Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation

The Minister of Health during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, Olivier Véran, was appointed, this Friday, May 20, Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation.

Olivier Véran remains, but changes function. Minister of Health during the Covid-19 crisis, the former deputy for Isère was appointed, this Friday, May 20, to the post of Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Democratic Life. A position placed with the Prime Minister.

The former Minister in charge of Autonomy and departmental councilor of Pas-de-Calais, Brigitte Bourguignon, succeeds him at 14 avenue de Ségur, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. She was notably named President of the commission of inquiry into the Covid-19 health crisis at the National Assembly, in June 2020.

Arriving in government in February 2020 as Minister of Solidarity and Health, Olivier Véran will have held this position throughout the Covid-19 crisis. Before his departure, he notably launched the Ségur de la Santé and its 33 measures adopted to reform the French health system.

“I will be the minister of ‘with you’. It is not a slogan but a fierce desire to involve the French in public policies”announced the former doctor from Grenoble, this Friday, from the Hôtel de Matignon. “We love politics because we love our country and we are full of ideas.”

Before entering government, Olivier Véran had also twice been a deputy for the 1st constituency of Isère. A first time between 2012 and 2015 as substitute for Geneviève Fioraso, minister during François Hollande’s five-year term. Then between 2017 and 2020. He held the post of Minister of Health for almost two years and 3 months. Contacted, Olivier Véran did not respond to our requests.


  • Economy, finance and industrial and digital sovereignty: Bruno Le Maire
  • Interior: Gerald Darmanin
  • Europe and Foreign Affairs: Catherine Colonna
  • Keeper of the Seals, Justice: Eric Dupond-Moretti
  • Ecological transition and territorial cohesion: Amélie de Montchalin
  • National Education and Youth: Pap Ndiaye
  • Armies: Sébastien Lecornu
  • Health and prevention: Brigitte Bourguignon
  • Work, full employment and integration: Olivier Dussopt
  • Solidarity, autonomy and people with disabilities: Damien Abad
  • Higher education, research and innovation: Sylvie Retailleau
  • Agriculture and food sovereignty: Marc Fesneau
  • Transformation and public service: Stanislas Guerini
  • Overseas: Yaël Braun-Pivet
  • Culture: Rima Abdul Malak
  • Energy transition: Agnès Pannier-Runacher
  • Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games: Amélie Oudéa-Castéra

Delegate Ministers

  • To the Prime Minister:

Responsible for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation: Olivier
Equality between women and men, diversity and equal opportunities: Isabelle

  • With the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial Sovereignty and digital:

Public accounts: Gabriel Attal

  • With the Minister of the Interior and Minister of the Interior and the Minister ecological transition and territorial cohesion:

Local authorities: Christophe Béchu

  • With the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Foreign Trade and Attractiveness: Franck Riester
Europe: Clement Beaune

Secretaries of State

  • To the Prime Minister:

Spokesperson: Olivia Grégoire
Wed: Justine Benin
Childhood: Charlotte Caubel

  • With the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Development: Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

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