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“I was under the influence of a narcissistic pervert”, Rachel’s testimony

They are difficult to spot. And yet, they can destroy a life and are a form of violence very present in society, that of narcissistic perverts. A psychopathology associated with manipulation and harassment that claims many victims. Rachelle is one of them.

As every year, the month of March, rich in celebrations dedicated to women’s rights, is an opportunity to take an interest in a form of violence little mentioned, but nevertheless very present in society, that of narcissistic perverts. A psychopathology associated with manipulation and harassment that claims many victims. Rachelle is one of them. She found the strength … The strength necessary to turn your back on a toxic relationship … But above all, the strength to talk about it, openly … Because for 5 years, the young woman was the victim of a narcissistic pervert, an ex-spouse.

What is a narcissistic pervert?

According to specialists, a narcissistic pervert is someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic perverts have a demeaning image of themselves. The only way for them to value themselves, to belittle others. Need to be admired, seductive, they show themselves in their best light at the start of the relationship. A ploy to better fool their victims. Men are more often affected than women, but they too can be victims. The narcissistic pervert gives himself the appearance of a being superior to others and manipulates his relatives, his entourage. The absence of guilt is a strong trait of their toxic personality.
The narcissistic pervert can be a spouse, colleague, relative, or friend, with whom the victim maintains a close bond.

It is with a man corresponding to this profile that Rachelle founded a home. But, if she wanted to testify with her face uncovered, it is because she is no longer afraid. She has been trying to extricate herself from the grip of her tormentor, her ex-spouse, for 4 years.

Because for many years, for her 3 children and out of fear, Rachelle endured the worst wickedness and humiliation. His ordeal will last 5 years. With a companion alternating periods when he donned the costume of the ideal man and others when he revealed his true face. He beats her, but a skillful manipulator, he makes her feel guilty, sing … So that she does not leave the marital home. Then turns into a frozen lover, not hesitating to write him love letters.

It is by realizing that she no longer recognizes herself, that she cannot decide for herself, that she is “become transparent“, that Rachelle takes a radical decision. For her, only one way out: flight.
She escapes with her 3 children, and puts a word on her predator: a narcissistic pervert. After several complaints and complaints, she begins criminal proceedings with a lawyer, in order to protect herself and her children.

To regain confidence, rebuilding Rachelle has followed 5 years of therapy. She now benefits from personalized coaching. Rachelle, a lesson in courage and a message of hope in a still inconsiderate issue. The vagueness still remains on this pathology …

To (re) see the report by Christelle Théophile and Christian Danquin:

2 to 3% of the French population

But then how to recognize this type of toxic individuals? Manipulators or narcissistic perverts represent only 2 to 3% of the French population, according to Isabelle Nazare-Aga, author of The Manipulators are among us.
On his Facebook account recently, singer Fanny J, also a victim, wanted to warn.
To get out of the clutches of a narcissistic pervert, you have to reconnect with those around you and rely on those close to them, even if they have seduced them. Therapy, according to Rosette Lisymaque, clinical psychologist, is also a way to see more clearly and to rebuild.

She was the guest of Ludivine Guiolet-Oulac, in the 7:30 p.m. TV news, on March 23, 2021:

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