Aum Lakkhana shows a huge 325 cc silicone. How can I wear it then? I didn’t think it was wrong to remove it. because of many health problems
Image from Instagram lukkanaaum
After occupying the position of sexy mother for 10 years Aum Lakkhana Then asked to come down from the queen’s throne and hung the breasts to remove the silicone. Due to health problems that come from being pulled by silicone all the time This causes back pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck, causing migraines and hunchback. The decision to remove the silicone did not reduce the hotness of the person even less

Image from Instagram lukkanaaum
Recently, Aum Lakkhana has posted a story on Instagram. After finding a silicone breast augmentation that was still stored when the surgery was removed Ready to show the size of 325 cc. to see each other clearly with both eyes
Playing with mom to carry to the point of stunned How can I wear it then? because the silicone is too big for the body to carry But I think it’s a wrong decision to remove the breasts. Because the health problems immediately decreased.

Image from Instagram lukkanaaum

Image from Instagram lukkanaaum

Image from Instagram lukkanaaum