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I was shaking the next day, says the woman who lost her horse in Slušovice

The sixth race of the Slušovice meeting brought joy and sadness to the coach from Penčice u Přerova at the same time. But the second feeling prevailed, the victory of the bay Sacamir was completely overtaken by the loss of the mare Kil Al Jamal. “You know what, I have a very close relationship with those horses. I have them here and they are family members. “ narrates with great emotion Kateřina Ilíková. She only had four horses left in her home JOKI stable.

It is probably not at all pleasant for the trainer to learn that his favorite horse must be put to sleep.

“You know, the grasshopper, it was the darling of the stable. I don’t have it, like Holčák or Váňa, who have, for example, 70 horses. I have a few here. It’s different here when a horse comes here… Although I still have two side stables written in Nákla and Beňov, but here I had only five of those horses in the stable. Two are injured and I don’t know if they will run out this year. So I have two more in training now… “

I can tell from your voice that it really hit you a lot…

“So I had to start in Bratislava on Sunday and I couldn’t ride the horses as I was shaking. And I’ve been doing it for 15 years and it wasn’t the first horse I lost. I can say that I do not know if I will still race with this stable. It hit us… “

How do you explain such a tragic balance of Saturday’s Slušovice? The head of the meeting, Mr. Karlach, let it be heard that it was a fatigue fracture and a long pause was to blame.

“It simply came to our notice then. This year there was so much time to prepare the horses that there was no need to hurry. It always starts in January, the virus delayed the season and the horses could prepare for a long time, there was more rest. It was definitely not a fatigue fracture. “

So could there be a mistake in the wrong path?

“I’ve been on the track twice. The track was good, but it was possible that there could be a hole in it, the horse just jumped badly. It wasn’t the first race of the day, it just happens. I really don’t blame the track. “

However, criticism of the quality of the track has already appeared. Do you think that everything was fine?

“I know that the inspector was on the track in Slušovice on Thursday, and even on Saturday he measured it there. It’s being viewed. How many times do we gallop at home for the worse, although of course – it’s not a race. Racing is something else, adrenaline, the horse knows what will happen, looking forward to it. I think it was a coincidence. “

And that the track was wet or waterlogged?

“That they didn’t suffocate it there? After all, even 14 days ago in Pardubice, it rained! And nothing happened by accident. There is so much money in the horses, the horses eat like top athletes, they have nutrition, everything. No one would dare not prepare the track. I know that there was a cylinder in the spring, that they pierced it, settled it. “

Anyway, it’s probably not good to wait more than a day to clear your bodies, don’t you think?

“There were no races for the first or last time in Slušovice. Maybe next time they will call on Thursday, be at the reception, we have races… But there are so many things around… You don’t know how long the horses lie in Pardubice when the races are over. There, when the three horses come away, no one will notice. But people don’t go there, they’re closed. People in Slušovice made a fuss about the fact that there are horses covered there. “

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