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I was going to get married next year but died suddenly!Boyfriend sends Zhuang Qunshi’s body home in tears

▲Zhuang Qunshi was scheduled to get married next year, but she died suddenly. Her boyfriend grieved and sent her body back to his hometown. (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi Facebook)

[NOWnews今日新聞] Well-known Malaysian actress Queenzy died suddenly on the 28th at the age of 37 on set. The next day, the family agreed to perform an autopsy on the body and confirmed that the cause of death was “ruptured brain aneurysm.” Zhuang’s mother said sadly that her daughter was originally scheduled to get married next year, but unexpectedly, she was suddenly separated forever, leaving her relatives and friends with endless grief.

▲Zhuang Qunshi’s sudden death was hard for his parents to accept.  (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi IG)▲Zhuang Qunshi’s sudden death was hard for his parents to accept.  (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi IG)

▲Zhuang Qunshi’s sudden death was hard for his parents to accept. (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi IG)

Zhuang’s mother was interviewed by the Malaysian media and revealed that Zhuang Qunshi and her boyfriend have been dating for many years. He has always been very good to her. The Zhuang family also treats her boyfriend as a family member. “Having this boyfriend is Qunshi’s blessing.” Due to their daughter’s status as an artist, the relationship between the two has been kept low-key and not announced to the public. They originally planned to make it public at the same time after entering the auditorium next year. Unexpectedly, the bad news came first, and the body was sent back to their hometown with the help of her boyfriend.

▲Zhuang Qunshi passed away suddenly at the age of 37, which was unacceptable to his relatives and friends.  (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi Facebook)▲Zhuang Qunshi passed away suddenly at the age of 37, which was unacceptable to his relatives and friends.  (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi Facebook)

▲Zhuang Qunshi passed away suddenly at the age of 37, which was unacceptable to his relatives and friends. (Photo/Zhuang Qunshi Facebook)

In fact, when Zhuang Qunshi was dizzy and about to faint, she promptly unlocked the password on her mobile phone and asked the on-site personnel to contact her boyfriend urgently to inquire about the medical history. However, the other party said that Zhuang Qunshi had always been healthy and only her father had ear fluids. Imbalance problem. It only took 30 minutes from Zhuang Qunshi’s collapse to his death. After being sent to the hospital, there was still no way to save him. His body is expected to be cremated on December 2.

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#married #year #died #suddenlyBoyfriend #sends #Zhuang #Qunshis #body #home #tears
2023-12-01 00:07:31

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