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“I want to tell everyone what he did to me” – Baritalia News

It started again “No sooner said than done“And the host, Bianca Guaccero is back on video in better shape than ever after the forced break from the pandemic and after the summer break. Bianca Guaccero, on more than one occasion, she said she had experienced the pandemic very badly and the situation that, unfortunately, still exists in Italy and in the world for covid but now that she is back with her program she is charged and full of energy .

Jonathan Kashanian tells what Pierluigi Diaco did to him

Jonathan Kashanian flank Bianca Guaccero in the conduction with regard to a specific gossip column and the two get along very well, in fact the harmony that exists is not only built at the table or imposed by the authors but it is real. It is evident that Bianca e Jonathan they get along very well and are on the same wavelength.

Jonathan, that within “No sooner said than done”Curates a gossip column, has decided to reveal what he has done to all of Italy Pierluigi Diaco and he said like this: “I have to say something I’ve never said before. I have a pebble in my shoe that I would like to take off against Pierluigi Diaco ”.

And then he explained: “Because of him I risked fighting with De Filippi”.

And then he explained better and in detail what happened: “Me and Diaco we were colleagues on a very important radio and he asked me for an interview that I gave him. The next day, however, the interview came out with a very dubious title which almost made me fight with Maria De Filippi ”.

Then Jonathan explained that when he saw the title he rushed to call Maria De Filippi and clarified the situation and also said that the De Filippi, being an intelligent woman, she understood perfectly what had happened.

Bianca Guaccero, after hearing what the Iranian designer said, commented on the episode as follows: “Everyone comes to terms with his ethics”.

And then at the end of this story Jonathan he said that two years have passed since that episode but in this time frame Diaco he never spoke up he never called him to apologize.

Pierluigi Diaco and his show “You and I”

Despite the great success achieved during the summer by Pierluigi Diaco and its transmission “Me and youRai decided that the latter would no longer be broadcast. Pierluigi Diaco he immediately presented a new project to the top management but for the moment it is not known whether he will restart with another transmission.

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