/ world today news/ Do you remember the song “I want to be a nigga, a nigga in Alabama…”
I thought of her while reading an otherwise interesting article on Deutsche Welle:
Russia may be running out of money, writes Deutsche Welle.
“According to World Bank calculations, this year the number of poor Russians will exceed 20 million people – out of a total population of 140 million. This is the highest poverty level in nine years.”
Just so I can be gloatingly happy like one of the recently born “friends” of Russia, what can I see:
“According to Eurostat, Bulgaria not only leads the EU ranking for the highest proportion of people in need / those who do not have enough money to pay their household bills, save on heating, cannot afford any unforeseen expenses, do not have a car, color TV and telephone, and meat and fish are rarely on their table”, but their share is also increasing. In 2014, 33.1% of the population lived in severe poverty, and in 2015 – already 34.2%. /see: “Now”, 18. 04.2016/.
Well, how can you not sing: I want to be poor, poor in Russia… The chance of this happening to me there will be at least 2 times smaller than in my beautiful Bulgaria.
How far have we brought it… In the 80s of the last century, I lived in Russia and felt sorry /really, sincerely felt sorry/ for the Russians…
Long live the “reforms”, long live the endless neoliberal “transition”!
#poor #poor #Russia..