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I took 2 children from the Hoa Hong shelter to Children’s Hospital 2 for treatment

(PLO) – According to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, two children at the Hoa Hong shelter had symptoms of serious illness after moving to a new location and were transferred to Children’s Hospital 2 for examination and treatment.

According to a previous report by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in Ho Chi Minh City, after receiving information about child abuse at the Hoa Hong shelter, the Department ordered a working group to coordinate with the Department of Labor , War Invalids and Social Affairs District 12 and People’s Committee in Trung My Tay Ward Sort and prepare children file 86 children (including 1 child who was being treated for pneumonia in hospital, 1 child received by relatives) were evacuated on 4 September.

The children of the Rose Home are transferred to Sponsorship facilities association under the Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs for care and fostering.

Specifically, 32 children went to Tam Binh Child Protection Center, 36 children went to Thu Duc Youth Village and 15 children went to Go Vap Child Protection Center, 2 children were adopted by their families (and 1 child was released- into the nanny). biological child) 1 child at the Children’s Hospital is being treated for pneumonia.

By the evening of September 6, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs continued to issue information documents, after they were taken to shelters under the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City , 84 children from the Hoa Hong’s shelter had calmed their minds. Children are examined Cheers and receiving age-appropriate nutrition.

For children who show abuse, the centers have organized personal care workers to monitor their health and psychological status to ensure the best care plan.

“Notably, two children at the Go Vap Child Nutrition Center have symptoms of serious illness and have been transferred to Children’s Hospital 2 for examination and treatment. Their health status is currently being closely monitored” – said the text .

2 children at the Go Vap Child Nutrition Center had severe symptoms and were transferred to Children’s Hospital 2 for evaluation and treatment.

In addition, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in Ho Chi Minh City also announced a plan to check compliance with legal regulations at social support facilities that foster and care for -social protection benefit in Ho Chi Minh City.

3 inspection teams have been set up and will inspect the facilities in September.

The aim of this comprehensive guidance is to raise awareness and the roles and responsibilities of facility managers in complying with legal regulations on social support work.

At the same time, conduct a comprehensive assessment of social assistance policies, procedures and documentation management as well as how to use support and funding sources at public and non-public social assistance facilities. From there, detect, prevent, correct and manage implementation according to rules.

Audit content includes establishment conditions, operating permits, facilities and personnel; Documentation procedures, reception, care and nurturing of social protection beneficiaries; prevention of violence, abuse, and injuries to children.

Other content includes communication and training for officers, teachers, and staff on child protection and care; guarantee security order, food safety and hygiene, fire prevention and fighting; receiving, managing and using charity and aid funds.

In particular, disseminating and using guidelines from the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on “Implementation of internal control in preventing violence and abuse of children at social protection facilities in Ho Chi Minh City; in addition to the rules of a coordinated program of support, intervention, and treatment of cases of child violence and sexual abuse in Ho Chi Minh City” to officials and resource workers.

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