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“I Thought It Was Indestructible,” Reflection by Acclaimed New York Sports Photographer Prior to His Death from Coronavirus

Anthony Causi passed away at 48 years of age after three weeks in hospital

For more than two decades he was the protagonist of the sports scene in New York.

Ian Gavan / Getty Images

He Sports photographer Anthony Causi joined the coronavirus fatalities in the United States when he passed away Sunday at 48 years old, after spending three weeks in the North Shore University Hospital, New York, a city that has become the epicenter of the pandemic in the country.

A few days ago, while he was hospitalized, he sent a message on his social networks as he knew best how to do it, through a photo. “I thought it was indestructible,” he confessed in his last Instagram post. “If I can get out of here, I promise the world is not going to know what hit them.”

Causi served for more than two decades for the New York Post, means for which he could share his work covering the professional teams from the ‘Big Apple’ and the greatest exponents of American sport.

Causi’s death generated the reaction of several organizations, such as Major Leagues or the New York Mets, who sent messages of condolence to his widow Romina Seferian and their two young children John and Mia.

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