Home » today » World » I thought it was a girl group! A father shows off pictures of his 5 daughters, announces he’s looking for a son-in-law, but the boys find out about the dowry.

I thought it was a girl group! A father shows off pictures of his 5 daughters, announces he’s looking for a son-in-law, but the boys find out about the dowry.

According to the original idea Having a son in the family seems to provide stability in old age. Without realizing that sometimes the thoughts and actions of parents who expresses that he loves his son more than his daughter It will also have a huge impact on your child’s views on marriage and love.

Just like what happened in China. One family had 5 daughters, but none of the daughters married and had a family. And the reason has to do with the father’s perspective.

According to the report, it was found that When parents were young, they wanted to have a son. But after trying many times, In the end, he had a total of 5 “daughters” and his wife eventually had to be sterilized. Meanwhile, the husband always felt that he could not raise his head in the village. Because neighbors who have sons often look down on them. and sometimes even invade the fields to intimidate It made him very uncomfortable.

However, what consoles him is that his daughter has good grades. After the eldest daughter entered university, she worked while studying. To reduce the burden on parents And after graduating, I worked very hard. Instead, they saved money for only small living expenses. Most of the money will be returned to the entire family. so that the younger sisters could study, so under the guidance of the eldest daughter The sisters then entered college. Even though their family conditions were average, But the degree certificate posted in the hall was enough to comfort the parents.

Moreover, the five daughters are very reasonable. They know that their parents are sad that they don’t have a son. And after everyone has a job, they intend to save money every month. Over the years, they have worked together to renovate the old house and the land in front of the house. Make parents feel proud and can stretch out when meeting people in the village

However, the daughters were too busy with work. Therefore, no one is married and has a family. Currently, the eldest daughter is over 30 years old, considered to be an older woman than the others. even in the village, so when unable to have a son The father’s next hope is Looking for a son-in-law to marry a daughter

In fact, the eldest daughter used to have the same love as everyone else. and had brought his girlfriend to meet his family as well But when he learned of the woman’s father’s overwhelming expectations about her marriage, The young man backed away. And the daughter couldn’t do anything. Even though she knows that she is dependent on her parents Because if she doesn’t want to get married It will be even more difficult for her younger sister to find a partner.

In the end, she returns to the village for a blind date and to find a son-in-law in the countryside. But everything is still difficult. The eldest daughter’s marriage was delayed. It was postponed again and again. Even the matchmaker who advises young men Even if you give, you will retreat. When the father asked for a bride price of 168,000 yuan (more than 800,000 baht), this was considered a very high price for a rural area. No one can afford it.

The concept of the father is He should save enough dowry as a “pension” for himself to raise such an outstanding daughter. A dowry of 168,000 yuan is not too much. But the results made him very sad. Worked for almost all my life What’s wrong with planning your own retirement? Recently, when the daughters returned home So he took a photo and posted it online. Hope everyone will comment on this.

When netizens saw pictures of the five daughters They all said they were beautiful and fashionable. Looks like a girl who works in the city. and very talented A face full of smiles and happily looked at the parents who were trying to find a son-in-law for them Without any complaints at all

“What a happy family, with five wonderful daughters in the family. And why do you still want a son?”

“Parents are too narrow-minded. And you shouldn’t ask for an expensive dowry. So that my daughter can start a family. They’re happy, that’s fine, but you’re still worried about your life in the years to come. Is that right?”

“Having such a beautiful daughter. Don’t worry at all about not being able to find a boyfriend. But she probably doesn’t want to get married.”

“Yes, the external reason is that the parents wanted a dowry. But the internal reason is My daughter doesn’t want to get married.”

“Their faces were very happy. This means that they are satisfied with their living situation, but parents really don’t have to worry at all. You can see that their daughter has already made plans for the future.”

“Parents always believe that children will be happy only if they get married. But true happiness lies in meeting people who truly love each other.”

“Parents who have the foresight Will not interfere in the marriage of children Or use the dowry to plan your own retirement. Because when your daughter has a good family You will feel comfortable in the years to come. Truly go.”

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2023-12-03 10:35:21

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