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I think my wife had a miscarriage because of what this doc did

a declaration Prince Harry In the sixth and final episode of the ‘Netflix’ broadcast documentary about him and his wife, Megan Markle, he suspects that his wife Megan Markle’s 2020 miscarriage was due to pressure from Megan’s lawsuit against British tabloid ‘The Mail on Sunday”.

The case Megan won involved the publication of a letter to her father. “I think my wife miscarried because of what the paper did,” Harry said in the episode.

He felt that the stress caused by the case, lack of sleep, and the timing of the pregnancy had indirectly caused the miscarriage, saying, “I think my wife miscarried because of what the paper did.” “I saw everything.”

And in December 2021, Megan received a full public apology from the Mail on Sunday newspaper after a lengthy court battle in London’s High Court.

The newspaper published a front-page letter to the Duchess of Sussex, 40, as prompted by multiple rulings that the Mail on Sunday newspaper and Mail Online violated her privacy in February 2019 by printing parts of a five-page letter which she said written to her father some time later, before her marriage to Harry.

And the ‘Netflix’ network aired the documentary series about Prince Harry and his wife Megan, which included a lot of criticism of the British royal family.

And Prince Harry had revealed in previous episodes that it was “terrifying” that his brother, Prince William, yelled at him during a meeting about the arrangements for Prince Harry and his family to separate from the royal family.

Harry said: “It was terrifying for my brother to yell at me, saying things that just weren’t true, and my grandmother (the late Queen Elizabeth) just sat there in silence.”

And he spoke of offering a compromise deal so that he and his wife, Megan, would have jobs of their own, provided they at the same time do work to support the queen, citing the ‘New York Post.

In the first round of episodes that aired last week, Harry and Megan launched scathing attacks on the media, saying some of them were racist, but members of the royal family themselves were relatively spared criticism during those episodes.

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