Home » today » Health » I think it’s good.. A 67 year old woman drank warm water mixed with honey After 1 year, the results of the health check surprised her.

I think it’s good.. A 67 year old woman drank warm water mixed with honey After 1 year, the results of the health check surprised her.

A 67 year old woman drinks warm water mixed with honey every day. To change blood fat levels after 1 year, you will be surprised when you get the results of the health check.

Two years ago, Ms. Wang Han, a 67-year-old woman from Hunan Province, China, was diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia. and still taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor

Until last year Mr. Wang heard people talking about the antioxidant properties of warm honey. This can help reduce high blood lipid levels and improve heart health. So she drank two glasses of warm water mixed with honey a day in the morning and in the evening.

Ms. Wang has been drinking warm water mixed with honey continuously for a year recently, she went for a routine checkup. The results of health checks showed that her blood lipids were still within control limits. But tests revealed that her fasting blood sugar level was higher than normal.

The results of the study surprised Wang. Because previously her blood sugar level was normal.

Steps for drinking honey

When you ask more about Mr. Wang’s eating habits, Doctors found that she had mixed a lot of honey with warm water and drank it twice a day. Doctors concluded that this could may have caused her blood sugar levels to rise above normal limits.

The doctor explained that “Honey is mainly composed of glucose and fructose. And there are also some calories in honey, there are very few vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Nutrients in honey have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties However, excessive use of honey can increase blood sugar levels. This is because the body cannot produce enough insulin to metabolize the excess sugar.”

“Especially For people with high blood fat like Mr. Wang Excessive use of honey can lead to weight gain. Affects blood lipid levels and has an effect on the disease treatment process,” said the doctor.

As the doctor said Mr. Wang’s case is not too bad. Just change your eating habits and reduce the amount of honey you use each day. It can help reduce blood sugar levels back to normal.

After listening to the doctor’s explanation and advice Ms. Wang finally understood the reason for her high blood sugar level, she said, “I think drinking honey every day will help health. But I didn’t know if I drank too much it could be dangerous. When I get home I will reduce the amount of honey I use as recommended by the doctor.”

2024-09-27 03:23:41

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