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“I think I delivered”: Babler ends the SPÖ election campaign in Vienna-Favoriten

The SPÖ top candidate shouted his heart out at the end of the election campaign at the Viktor Adler Market in Vienna-Favoriten.

SPÖ top candidate Andreas Babler urged Austrians on Saturday to vote for his party in tomorrow’s National Council election: “Strengthen yourself,” he called out to several hundred interested people who gathered at the Viktor Adler market in Vienna gathered at the final event of the campaign. Babler believed that one should never vote for anything other than social democracy based on one’s own interests.

In previous federal elections, the SPÖ staged its final event in front of its own party headquarters. This time it was combined with that of the Vienna State Party, which traditionally takes place on Saturday mornings in the heart of Favoriten. The party nobility of the capital’s Social Democrats came from Mayor Michael Ludwig to Chamber of Labor President Renate Anderl, ÖGB boss Wolfgang Katzian and most of the city councilors.

SPÖ sympathizers at the Viktor Adler market in Vienna-Favoriten. APA / APA / Florian Wieser

They heard a speech from the top candidate, which was delivered in typical Babler style. The SPÖ leader – it’s hard to describe it any other way – shouted his heart out for more than half an hour in order to convince people once again with his ideas. Babler emphasized his commitment more than once: “I think I delivered.”

He urged sympathizers not to believe polls or “big media companies.” The race is close, it’s about a few thousand votes.

An all-round look at the SPÖ program

In terms of content, Babler didn’t come up with anything new on the last day of the campaign: “All rights for children”, “right to equality for every woman”, “45 years are enough” in the pension debate and once again a plea for wealth taxes, since he didn’t want an austerity package for those with little income and the middle class.

On the sensitive asylum issue for the SPÖ, Babler chose a decidedly open position in the heavily migrant district: “We help everyone, regardless of their origin.” He wanted to bring together humanity and pragmatism.

“I think I delivered”: Babler ends the SPÖ election campaign in Vienna-Favoriten

Doris Bures also gave a speech at the end of the SPÖ election campaign. APA / APA / Florian Wieser

Doris Bures: “More Vienna in the federal government”

The Viennese top candidate Doris Bures also had her say. The Second President of the National Council praised life in red-governed Vienna: “More Vienna in the federal government” was needed. The Favoritn district chairwoman, Housing Councilor Kathrin Gaal, emphasized that the federal capital is the series champion when it comes to quality of life.

The election campaign is not completely over for the SPÖ either. After the event at the Viktor-Adler-Markt, another campaign starts: The SPÖ had 8,000 pads with a total of 400,000 Post-its produced, which will be distributed and stuck all over the country by officials, members and activists at the end of the election campaign. It reads in Andreas Babler’s handwriting: “I am happy about your vote for a departure into a positive future! Yours Andi Babler.

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