Home » today » Sport » I support Hussam Al-Badri’s statements against Mustafa Muhammad for this reason

I support Hussam Al-Badri’s statements against Mustafa Muhammad for this reason

Ahmed Hossam “Mido”, the former star of Zamalek and the Egyptian national team, expressed his support for the statements made by Hossam El-Badry, the current coach of the national team, regarding the player Mostafa Mohamed, the white striker.

Al-Badri had confirmed in statements during the previous days that Mostafa Mohamed needed a lot of work in order to become the Egyptian national team’s first striker.

Mido wrote through his personal account on “Twitter”: “Mustafa Mohamed is the best striker in Egypt, but it is natural that the coach of the national team comes to say that he needs to work on himself a lot so that he is the main striker of the team .. The coach has the right to use the media at times to bring out the best.” What his players have, especially if he is a minor defect. “

He added, “We must all forget Hossam Al-Badri’s actual decisions, not his statements..Possibly, Hossam Al-Badri will provoke Mustafa to die because he will be the main striker of the team .. If Hossam Al-Badri declared now that Mustafa is the best striker in Egypt, this remains the beginning of the end for Mustafa !! With Hossam Al-Badri’s statements !!

And he continued, “Mustafa is one of the kind of playboy who must be under constant pressure in order for your hands to be the best for him .. I have no doubt that Mustafa will be the striker of the main team with Hussam Al-Badri.”

He said, “I do not understand people who want the national coach to say to the little players,” Welcome, your place is reserved in the national team … Do what you want for the next period while I am at your back. There is no great coach doing that at all !! “.

He added: “Finally, if Al-Badri Mustafa Mohamed did not participate mainly with the national team and gave him enough time in the next matches to prove to everyone that he can be the main striker, I will be the first to criticize him, but until now I am with his statements, must Mustafa know that he still has a lot of work to be a striker.” Egypt first. “

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