Home » Health » «I suffer from paroxysmal positional vertigo»- Corriere.it

«I suffer from paroxysmal positional vertigo»- Corriere.it

Of Entertainment editorial team

The singer said she had this disorder which also brought her a lot of nausea. «Thanks to those who are worrying about my health. Now I’m already better”

Elisa Toffoli had to postpone several concert dates due to a particular health problem. It was she herself who told it, in the stories of her Instagram profile. “A super strange thing happened to me, which had never happened to me in my whole life – she said -. I caught this paroxysmal positional vertigo». This is actually quite a common disorder that causes brief episodes of vertigo: a false sensation of movement or that everything is spinning around. This is in response to head movements that stimulate the posterior semicircular canal of the inner ear. Luckily it’s nothing serious – the singer resumed – and it also seems to be viral since we’ve taken it in several people, these days and all with the same symptoms, so it’s something we’ve been through. My symptoms didn’t last long, but the first 24 hours felt like a carnival. Then I felt dizzy and nauseous.”

Symptoms improve

There was also a moment to joke, in her videos, when the singer let it be known: “At the beginning we thought of labyrinthitis… it would have been incredible if Elisa had gotten labyrinthitis…”. The reference is to Labyrinththe 1997 song that launched it. Then, the most painful moment of her: the one in which she explained that she had to cancel some concerts. «The doctor advised me to wait, in order not to risk relapses. For this reason, with a heavy weight on me, I also had to move the Florence dates. I’m so sorry for the people I’ve caused an inconvenience, it’s really a pity but I hope to see you again at the concerts I’ve repositioned in January.” She then concluded: «I want to say that I feel better and better: the dizziness and nausea are almost completely gone, so I plan to resume my tour from Rome. Thanks to all those who have wished me well and to all the people who are worrying about me and my health».


December 21, 2022 (change December 21, 2022 | 18:33)

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