Home » today » Technology » I still like spending in euros, especially in recent years. Now, when the euro is at a record discount, others also have the opportunity to buy euros on suitable terms

I still like spending in euros, especially in recent years. Now, when the euro is at a record discount, others also have the opportunity to buy euros on suitable terms

Crown faith has closed up shop at its strongest vi EUR since the end of January 2008. Bloomberg closing rate 23.98 crowns for EUR. According to experts, it is likely that it would crown languished below the 24.00 per level EUR divide the time. According to analytical forecasts published by the Bloomberg agency, the month after this period will be EUR most likely to be sold for 24.20. By the end of the month it could even be 24:55.

There is now a very favorable moment to change the dispute between the two trustees crowns first to EUR. EUR are in terms of S crowns the cheapest prices for undyed things allow and you don’t have to worry about such a discount for a long time. Especially when svt pomrn akutn hroz recessionas the International Monetary Fund warned on Sunday loving. Caution recession these days it’s considerably discounted, for example group and it should really just be a good time, so as not to weaken the crown.

Builders should generally have their own monk disputes. Then sit next to it crown you tak and eurov ae dollars, those of other monasteries also fall. Diversify the risk of a particular currency falling. Whoever goes about his quarrels between things like this, at least now has the possibility of establishing the first eight euros under historically more favorable conditions.

The rest of Czech investors have recently seen a rise in euros. Also last year in November, i.e. according to the latest available Whichaccording to the volume of credits in euro of national depositors out of their total credits, since January 2010 it has stood at 3 per cent, as shown in graph no. Which esk national bank. you are so v EUR spo especially for the last tint allow.

Compared for example Croatiawhich continued to play EUR as of January 1 this year, but according to the euro disputes, it is still very low. IN Croatia last year, according to disputes over the euro, about 50% (here). And second it showed similar values ​​in in 2020in times when Croatia was just starting the process of entering the eurozny.

Luk Kovanda, Ph.D.
Hlavn ekonom, Trinity Bannk


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