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“I still have the burns from the fire test”

A few days ago she returned to Italy after her experience in

“The Island of the Famous”


Roberta Morise

she still carries the scars of her journey in Honduras where she was also appreciated for her courage during the famous trial by fire. On that occasion, Morise managed to resist the heat of the flames for almost six minutes: “I still have

second degree burns

caused by the trial of fire – he said – I knew that I could challenge myself beyond belief. They were very kind, the sea and the burns do not help, I was with bandages for days but everyone saw that I was fine and we went on “.

The former castaway was pleasantly struck by the experience made in the Canale 5 reality show and says she is ready to repeat it: “You really don’t eat at all – she added -, and living with mosquitoes is very complicated, but I’d be ready to come back and stay there for another two months “.

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