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“I still have everything to accomplish, my feeling is that I’m starting”

The minutes we spoke with her weren’t enough, that’s why we don’t want to spend them one night with herbut two this weekend in Galicia. loles leon (Barcelona, ​​​​1950) arrives today at the Pazo da Cultura in naron (A Coruña) y mañana recalará en el Auditorio Afundación de Vigo hand in hand with this play written and directed especially for her by Juan Luis Iborraa show that through music traces the different phases of the life of the actress.

Her overwhelming and determined personality, seasoned with a good dose of self-confidence, has led her to be one of the most loved and recognized actresses by the public of all ages. His talent is reflected in countless film productions such as Adam or Father there is only a 2 and 3serially like What is comingor in various television shows, including, Your face is familiar to me. Luckily for those who love their jobs, the word retirement doesn’t appear in their vocabulary, so there are numerous Loles León chapters ahead, both in front of the cameras and on stage.

This weekend the theater will occupy their time and whoever comes to enjoy the show will have to find out how much is reality and how much is fiction on stage.

Please give us some spoilers what is true and what is not one night with her.

Only you can find out. When Juan Luis Iborra wrote it, he said “I’m going to put fiction and reality” and, initially, there was only 20% fiction, but as the days went by and the performances went by, people said to me “but is it true? They believed the fiction and they didn’t believe what was true and now it’s 50-50 of both. What I can say is that it is a journey through my life, since I was born in Barceloneta until now, a journey that includes my life alone through towns and cities and my arrival in Madrid.

What is or was the best moment of your career?

The highlight was the stage with Pedro Almodóvar, I entered the cinema through the front door with him. My life has completely changed with Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown. We went to Hollywood where we got great reviews, we went to many film festivals like Berlin, Milan,…

Speaking of Pedro Almodóvar, in tonight’s show we will be able to see some clothes you wore at that time, for example, at the Oscars.

All the costumes are recycled, not just the Almodóvar part. When in comedy they touch other times, all the clothes have to do with comedies I’ve done before or series. Manuel Fernández (the costume designer) made a variation and transformed all the dresses into something else through the women of Apramp (a body that organizes workshops for women in the process of being reintegrated after being victims of trafficking).

Do you prefer the itinerant life of the theater or that of the film set-set?

I like everything, I combine everything. Now I will start a film with Jordi Sánchez, I will Your face is familiar to meRegister with Santiago Segura… I’ve been like this for four or five years and now that I’m over 70 I enjoy it more than ever.

We have seen you in countless film, theater, television productions… which makes the viewer think they know you For all life. How much of you, of your personality, is there in the characters you play?

There is everything, because I do it. The head is mine, the feelings and emotions you put into it too. This is my work and it is what the public knows best. We also know about my private life, I have very little because I tell everything.

What professional challenges does a woman face with your career?

All. For my part I would start. I’m excited, I have enthusiasm, energy, desire… so my feeling is that I’m starting. I’m in a different phase. I am the grandmother of Spanish cinema and the children see me and call me tank What is coming

You have lived through very different phases in the history of our country, certainly some in which it was not easy to see yourself doing an artistic work. Did you have to overcome many obstacles?

At first yes. Not every head was willing to understand a single woman with a varied literary cabaret show ranging from the most intellectual to the most popular. It was hard. I went ahead because yes, because I’ve always had a lot of courage and I wasn’t afraid.

If we talked about your best moment in the profession before, what was the most difficult?

Several moments were hard, but above all the 70s of independent theater, I was also very young, you become a mother, there is no job… You have to have a lot of patience and tolerance with everything to be able to understand that this is a very difficult path , long, very resistant. That decade between the 70s and 80s was the most difficult, then I arrived in Madrid and everything changed.

What would you say to Loles León from the start?

Thank you for taking care of yourself and having the stamina and enthusiasm to get here.

What is the secret to keeping not only the body young, but also the mind and personality?

I’ve always wanted to be who I am. I was stimulated by my desire and above all to believe in myself. I believed in myself and this is very important because those close to you often don’t help you and say “but where are you going if this isn’t for you!”. I know where I’m going, what I want and who I am.

Do you think there are young people today with a more archaic mentality than is expected of a woman of your generation?

Generations are each one a way and I never pretend anyone is like us. Every era has its stories and ways of approaching the world, life and society. Young people don’t have fun, today there are social networks, everything is very fast and they do what they can. For example, I know very little about networks and today’s kids are very smart about it. I praise it. We both have to learn from everyone.

Between functions, will you have time to enjoy Galicia?

I run away as soon as I can. Until the time of the show I visit, I enjoy the gastronomy and the special places together with the dancers who accompany me in the show, Óscar Domínguez and Fran del Pino, and Yeyo Bayeyo. Galicia is the community where I have worked the least, even though I have recorded the Camino de Santiago series. I really like its beaches and the mystery that exists around this land.

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