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I spent 10 billion… ‘Real estate electronic contract system’ utilization rate is less than 5% [2024 국감]


I spent 10 billion… ‘Real estate electronic contract system’ utilization rate is less than 5% [2024 국감]




Entered 2024.10.14 17:37 Modified 2024.10.14 17:37 Reporter Bae Su-ram ([email protected])

The real estate electronic contract system has been investing 10 billion won in maintenance costs over the past five years, but the utilization rate was found to be below 5%. ©Dalian DB

The real estate electronic contract system has been investing 10 billion won in maintenance costs over the past five years, but the utilization rate was found to be below 5%. This is a system that allows real estate transactions to be concluded online electronically instead of through paper contracts, and was introduced in 2017 for safe and convenient transactions.

According to data on ‘Real estate electronic contract system use over the past five years’ submitted by Kim Jeong-jae, People Power Party member of the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee of the National Assembly on the 14th from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Korea Real Estate Board, electronic contracts accounted for 3,872,480 real estate transactions (sales and monthly rent) last year. The number of cases that used was 180,966, with a utilization rate of only 4.67%.

Looking at the utilization rate (number of electronic contracts/real estate transaction volume) by year over the past five years, ▲2019: 1.83% (66,148 cases/3,617,116 cases) ▲2020: 2.5% (111,150 cases/4,443,061 cases) ▲2021 The utilization rate is slightly increasing every year at 3.16% (141,533 cases/4,482,658 cases) ▲3.94% (164,227 cases/4,163,321 cases) in 2022, but does not appear to exceed 5%.

The operating budget related to the electronic contract system invested during the same period was ▲970 million won in 2019 ▲1.744 billion won in 2020 ▲2.279 billion won in 2021 ▲1.775 billion won in 2022 ▲1.52 billion won in 2023 ▲1.7 billion won in 2024 It was found that a budget of approximately 10 billion won, or 9 million won, was spent.

In order to increase the utilization rate of the real estate electronic contract system, the government is providing various benefits, such as applying preferential loan interest rates and lowering the guarantee fee (rate), reporting transaction leases and automatically applying for confirmed dates, and supporting brokerage fees (vouchers).

However, many real estate agents who are not familiar with IT technology still avoid electronic contracts due to the high entry barrier and lack of incentives.

The proportion of registered real estate agents using electronic contracts over the past five years is ▲1.5% in 2019 (1,602 people/106,699 people) ▲1.4% in 2020 (1,563 people/11min, 1,016 people) ▲1.4% in 2021 (1,708 people) /119,108 people) ▲2.1% in 2022 (2,555 people/117,721 people) ▲6% in 2023 (6,997 people/116,083 people) Although it has increased every year, its utilization among licensed real estate agents is still very low. appeared.

It is pointed out that the system should be improved more conveniently so that actual housing buyers can make safe and economical transactions, and incentives should be given to licensed real estate agents to increase the utilization rate of real estate electronic contracts.

Rep. Kim Jeong-jae said, “Real estate electronic contracts can only be used by real estate agents registered with city, county, or district offices, so illegal brokerage activities by unqualified and unregistered people can be prevented, and false reports of contract forgery and falsification can be prevented.” He added, “We will improve the system and simplify complex procedures.” “We need to increase the participation of licensed real estate agents and increase the utilization rate of real estate electronic contracts,” he said.

©Dailyan Co., Ltd. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited



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