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“I saw 24 intubated people, scenes from science fiction films” – Corriere.it

When they told me they were taking care of me, I went green, I was sweating cold. I saw them all, I saw 24 people motionless, intubated, like in science fiction films. Monday Gerry Scotti released from the hospital where he was hospitalized 10 days for Covid. He retraces his days in the hospital and repeatedly tells the story broken by the tears that he must push back in his throat. Instead, he will thank all the staff who took care of him several times.

How did it start?
I had the classic do-it-yourself week, the one ordered by the protocols that aims not to clog the emergency rooms. started with fever, fatigue, coughing. The solution encoded tachipirina and cortisone. A week and everything goes by. But no.

When they said positive what did you feel?
The two big paranoia in this experience first came to the positive swab, then when they told me I had to be hospitalized. I was 36 and 2 and thought I was fine. Instead positive. When I heard that word it suddenly seemed to me that I was beyond the Berlin Wall, I don’t know how else to explain it. In a moment I relived the six months of fear, terror, precaution, hope that we are all experiencing. Why me? I felt I didn’t even know where to begin to understand where it all started.

The second reaction beyond the Wall?
You get the instinct not to feel sorry for yourself, this subtle disease, you can stay two or three days with low fever, even without as happened to some of my friends, and after 7 days you negativize yourself. I was hoping to be in that bunch of lucky Boer winners, the chocolates with the gift.

The second blow was hospitalization.
At the second check-up at the Humanitas Covid Center in Rozzano I was advised to stay with them because I had all the parameters out of order: liver, kidneys, pancreas. I was already in the intensive unit, because when you enter the emergency room of the Covid Center there is no refreshment area, the machine area, the love area: a door opens and from there you see everything you have seen on the worst news of your life. I went green, I got a cold sweat.

Up to the anteroom of intensive care …
The doctors told me not to scare me: we do not put her in intensive care but in a room next door because we need to attach a series of instruments to her body to monitor her, to know if her machine, her body, needs treatment details. I was in a small room, beyond there was the sliding door to the life of many people. With two other patients we winked, come on you can do it. I ascertained – staying there two nights and one day – that this was the last door. If they decided to open that passage … I saw them all, I saw 24 motionless people, intubated, like in science fiction films. I prayed for them instead of praying for me.

Did they also cure her with a helmet with oxygen?
When I reached the peak of need for assistance, they made me put on the salvific helmet, the last painless step of the therapy before you intubate. For a couple of days at alternating times I had to wear it too, it was a cure-all. I had seen it on TV, read his newspapers, it seemed like science fiction. I remember the slogan: the helmet saves your life. Now I understand what helmet it is … Then one morning they turned the bed back and took me back to my room.

He has received many messages of affection.
I received an incredible form of affection. First of all from the public. I’m not very social but the things I posted literally exploded. So thank you all very much. I was also impressed by the affection of all the insiders. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just quote Carlo Conti, because we lived an experience in parallel. I asked him: how many liters of oxygen? He answered 4. And I was still at 5. And the pill, they gave it to you? We did like Coppi and Bartali … I received a flood of love that is good for body and soul.

Who thanks?
At Humanitas’ Covid Center they were exceptional. They prepared it in the summer in two months, ready for the second wave. was conceived, studied, logistically designed, created and staffed to face this tsunami. In those sleepless nights I saw an anthill of boys and girls, all under 30, there was not one stopped for more than 10 seconds. They said a prayer to me when I went out: say that we are not heroes, say that we are boys and girls who try to do their jobs at their best. it is easy to ride the errors and the controversies, but the errors and the controversies are not of those who are in the front row, in the trenches. The mistakes are further back, in the headquarters, they belong to politics. Certainly not to them.



Gerry Scotti, 64 years old today, 40 as a showman and 5 as a deputy: “parentheses to forget”
Former honorable who does not want the annuity

How does he come out of this experience?
I’ve changed my mind about so many things. I have taken away all the satisfactions that I could take away, I had a rich life, but now I have seen how thin the thread that attaches us to life, I have seen that just a moment is enough. an experience that has improved me as a man and as a person, I am stronger than before and have overturned my priorities. There are always ten left. But the different order. You understand the value of the little things in life, a bike ride, being with your child in the park, a walk: the more mundane and stupid they are, the more they are worth, even a game of cards with friends. The truth is that I must keep what is good this experience has given me, but also what bad it has given me.

The first thing he did?
Since the Covid department does not have coffee (now he will have to give him a nice machine) the first thing was the moka, a sign that the taste has also returned. And then it may seem cheesy, but it doesn’t matter: my niece is born in a month and I would like to be in shape. Now I’m healed, I’m fine, I lost 11 kilos – a sign that not all evil comes to harm – but I have to regain all my strength. I want to do it for her too.

What does it say to those who minimize the disease, to the deniers?
We have to take them and leave them in that little room for an hour. You don’t need 36 hours like it was for me. Sure they change their minds.

November 18, 2020 (change November 18, 2020 | 07:25)


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