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I saved surfing on the couch and taking care of the house – EzAnime.net


At just over 400 square feet, Emma Farnell-Watson’s first home is far from great. But after four years of couch surfing, housekeeping, and hosting, just being able to unpack your belongings feels like the height of luxury.

Wanting to buy a place of her own, but without Mom and Dad’s bank or a hefty salary to lean on, Emma, ​​a ballet dancer and contemporary dancer, decided her best option was to cut her living costs down to the bone. .

He sacrificed stability for affordability and, earlier this year, had saved an impressive £ 50,000, which was enough to move up the property ladder at the age of 26.

“It was amazing to be able to be a nomad for so long because it meant I saved a lot of money, but I lived with a suitcase most of the time, with most of my clothes stored at my parents’ house,” he said. Emma. “I didn’t feel like I had a home.”

The longest time Emma lived anywhere during her moving years was a flat on London Bridge. It belonged to a friend who allowed her to rent the spare room for about a year.

But in the year before the pandemic, Emma was constantly on the move and had half a dozen different directions.

Emma first moved to London in 2013 to study at the London Contemporary Dance School.

He graduated in 2016 and began to build his career, but quickly became disillusioned with the joys of the London rental market.

“Through my work as a dancer, I have built a strong community of friends and creative contacts and have moved from one place to another, taking care of the house while people were away on projects or renting beautiful rooms at the price of their peers”, Emma said. “There was also a significant amount of couch surfing involved.

“I think many people who work in the creative industries find owning a home in London out of their reach, but it is possible if you know it.”


Emma moved into her one-bedroom apartment in Barking in May. “It feels amazing,” he said.

Despite her years of saving, Emma’s budget was modest by London standards, so she opted for a £ 200,000 micro-flat from Pocket Living, a developer who specializes in building compact but inexpensive apartments.

Emma is self-employed, which means that she does not have a fixed annual salary. But in a good year he makes around £ 45,000 and this allowed him to borrow £ 150,000 to pay for his apartment. He also benefited from the stamp duty holiday.

“My apartment faces south, which was very important to me, and I want to keep it pretty neat, but it certainly doesn’t seem small to me,” he said.

“Having a terrace really makes a difference, and I am very grateful to have my own kitchen.”

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