Home » today » World » “I sang songs about pussy”. The taxi driver dropped the actress Bortich with her son in the middle of the street

“I sang songs about pussy”. The taxi driver dropped the actress Bortich with her son in the middle of the street

“I was just dropped off by a Yandex.Taxi driver, a business-class one, with a child, in the rain on the Zvenigorodskoye highway. We got into the car, the navigator showed us 35 minutes. He immediately said that we would drive for an hour, I’m very nice I talked to him, but he continued to negative, “- says the actress. The original video has already disappeared from Instagram, its published on the YouTube channel GetVideo.

According to Bortich, the driver was also unhappy with the fact that she asked to leave the lights on in the back of the car, and then refused to go on the alternative route that she offered him.

“He ends the trip and says:” That’s it, we have arrived, you go out, you will not talk to me like that, you were rude to me. “What kind of commanding tone?” – she said.



Видео: GetVideo / YouTube

The taxi driver who transported Bortich, outlined See his own version of events in a post on yaplakal.com. The authenticity of this message “Gazeta.Ru” confirmed the chairman of the coordinating council of the interregional trade union of public transport workers “Taxiist” Andrei Popkov, who is familiar with the driver and in the know.

According to the taxi driver, the situation began to escalate after his request to turn off the light in the cabin, because he was disorienting and uncomfortable to drive.

“Immediately the person changed in behavior. I was told that they always ride with light, because the child falls asleep differently, and said:” There have never been any problems, so I suggest you … “In short, I wanted to say:” .. . Shut up “, but restrained herself … Her child was capricious, she began to sing him songs about pussy. She sang in an undertone:” Pisya-pisya-pisya! ” he says.

When approaching the traffic jam, according to the taxi driver, the actress demanded to move on another, supposedly freer road. The driver says that he tried to object, but he was rudely interrupted by the phrase “No one asks you.”

“And then I lost control for a second, and I just burst out:” That’s it, girl, I’m not going anywhere else with you, you have already arrived, “he wrote.

The taxi driver also added that he did not know that the actress was driving.


Bortich is a Russian actress who starred in the films “Elusive”, “Viking”, “I’m Losing Weight”, “Billion”. She also appeared in Serge Tankian’s video for the song Elasticity.

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