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“I owe a lot to my wife, my life is a beautiful story that focuses on her” – Corriere.it

from Valentina Santarpia

The private story during a meeting with the students of the Dante Alighieri school in Sommacampagna, in the Verona area

«The person I have to thank for the last forty-fifty years is my wife, for the ability to understand moments… For the family, the children … I am reminded of the nonsense I would have done if she hadn’t been there “: an unpublished Mario Draghi talked about his private life to the students of the Dante Alighieri school in Sommacampagna, in the Verona area , asking for a round of applause for his life partner: they have been married for 48 years.

The prime minister was greeted by songs, including rap, and poems by the pupils of the educational institution. The boys gave the premier a rose for his wife Serena – “because behind a great man there is always a great woman” – and a collection of drawings made for him.

And it was precisely the friendly and confidential atmosphere that pushed Draghi, notoriously reserved, to tell something about himself and his path of human and professional growth: «Do I owe something to someone in my life for what I have become? I owe a lot to my parents, above all from a psychological and educational point of view, for the love for the job they taught me and the respect for the rules and an awareness of who you are ». The premier then recalled that he had “had extraordinary teachings at school, university and in studies done in America and Italy. People don’t understand how many good teachers there are. They are those people who not only sacrifice themselves but enjoy being “with the kids,” they are the ones who give the first messages of life, they help you find awareness of yourself, “said the premier. Finally, her statement to her wife: “I owe so much to her, my life is a beautiful story that centers around her.”

Serena Cappello, wife of Mario Draghiwas born on July 28, 1947 In Padova and is of noble origins: descended from Bianca Cappello, the wife of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Francesco de ‘Medici. She graduated in English literature at the University of Vicenza, she met her premier when they were both 19, on the Brenta Riviera, in the summer of ’66, through mutual friends. They have never parted since. Married since 1973, they had their children Federica and Giacomo Draghi.

Mrs. Cappello has a say in her husband’s choices, and it is Draghi himself who has suggested it on several occasions. At the end of his mandate as president of the ECB, in 2019, to those who asked him what his future would be, he replied: «Ask my wife. I hope at least you know. ‘ And regarding the eventual participation in the race for the next presidency of the Republic, in 2022, he said: «I really don’t know. I’ve said this many times. Ask my wife, she knows more than I do. ‘


May 20, 2022 (change May 20, 2022 | 10:59)

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