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‘I no longer felt my baby move’: big fright for Nabilla

Nabilla : the young woman was very afraid for her baby that she no longer felt moving… She decided to go to the emergency room with Thomas.

Nabilla: a more difficult pregnancy?

For this second pregnancy, Nabilla also shares her daily life with her subscribers. A few days ago, she notably confessed that this pregnancy was not planned. “It’s a joy, it’s a gift from heaven. But when it’s not planned, it’s scary. I’m scared to death. But it’s something that I hid a lot. I am ashamed to tell you that I am afraid. The truth is, I’m too scared. I am transforming into a mother of one child into a mother of two children. It was not planned and in my head, I feel like I’m still a child. I try to be an adult but I’m not, I have a big child side in me “she confided to her subscribers.

Nabilla even experienced some health problems. A few days ago, Thomas Vergara confided on Snapchat that his wife had to see a doctor in an emergency: “Well, today, Nabilla is very tired. She had small contractions so now we’re going to see the doctor. (…) This morning, she gave us a big scare, so we jumped in the taxi to go see the doctor. There, it seems to go, but this morning, it was very complicated. “. However, nothing serious, the young mother has anemia and must fill this iron deficiency.

Nabilla no longer felt her baby move

On March 15, the one who is convinced to expect a little girl felt violent contractions. She consulted her gynecologist the next day because she was worried about giving birth prematurely. In the end, everything was fine and the influencer explained : “I am supposed to give birth at the beginning of June. Afterwards, we don’t know what can happen but I hope baby will go to term because the goal is to keep him warm as long as possible so that he develops well and is in good shape. . ».

In recent hours, if Nabilla has been very scaredit was because she no longer felt her baby move. Anxiety that many future mothers feel during their pregnancy. So, in the process, Nabilla and her husband went to the emergency room. The nursing staff was able to reassure her: everything is fine for her baby. « Big stress when everything was fine« , she confided to her subscribers on Snapchat. Fortunately !


Nabilla Benattia pregnant:

Nabilla: the wife of Thomas Vergara, who is six months pregnant, went to the doctor urgently after a “big fright”. We tell you everything!

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