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“I never touched a penny”: the conflict between Laura Bozzo and Cristian Suárez continues. New demand?

UNITED STATES.- The scandal between Laura Bozzo and his ex partner Cristian Suarez continues to give something to talk about, and the fact is that the Argentine does not remove his finger from the line and insists that, for the years he lived next to the Peruvian and everything they did together at that time, he is entitled to a large amount of money . The singer assures that the presenter never kept it and that on the contrary, both worked to obtain what they have.

In an exclusive interview with “Suelta la Sopa”, the Argentine assured that he has initiated a civil lawsuit, to demand that Laura Bozzo a millionaire amount of money, for the years they were together, because he considers that half of everything he has corresponds to him. Next to his lawyer, Cristian Suarez He went to the Miami courts to collect evidence and file a complaint in Mexico City.

“I want justice to be done and it be clear that I am not looking for anything that does not correspond to me, what I am fighting is for my rights, and for the heritage that we have made together, for seventeen years,” he said. Cristian Suarez. The Argentine assures that the best projects that the presenter has had were done by his side and it is fair that he obtain some benefit from them:

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“I don’t want to continue living off her, because I never lived off her. I lived on the things that I worked and got alongside her, I never touched her a penny, I have taken care of her. In fact, the best programs she has had in her career we did together, and suddenly, now, because it is convenient for her to say that, she speaks that way, then it is contradictory on her part, nobody can put a legal muzzle on me, to not to speak of the case, because it is my life. For seventeen years I have lived with her and I have every right to speak ”.

The singer assures that the criminal complaint against Laura BozzoDue to attempted murder, he continues his course and hopes that the authorities will do their job, since all he wants is justice. Cristian Suarez commented that the presenter continues to dirty her name and wants to put a stop to it: “The lack of respect, I think it is like too much, having to listen, in the same program, that they brand me as having a homosexual relationship.”

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