Home » today » News » I learn and I teach: teachers from Pataz and Pias strengthen pedagogical capacities through training – News from Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru

I learn and I teach: teachers from Pataz and Pias strengthen pedagogical capacities through training – News from Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru

250 teachers and principals from the districts of Pataz and Pias, province of Pataz, have just completed a training course organized by the Pataz Association in partnership with the Pataz UGEL and the Pataz District Municipality. The training was financed by Minera Poderosa, through Asociación Pataz, as part of its Social Responsibility policy.

This training sought to strengthen pedagogical skills that help their performance in the classroom. Teachers are part of the initial, primary and secondary levels of 29 educational institutions in both districts.

The training work topics included: Tutoring and Educational Guidance (TOE), digital tools and educational software, curricular planning and evaluation processes, and 5S methodology (in charge of the Minera Poderosa team).

The Asociación Pataz team shared information about the innovation system of the Pataz district, a system aligned with the strategy of the Missions of the Center for Rural Social Innovation of Asociación Pataz. System where transformative innovation in education focuses on an accessible and sustainable model and empowers the educational community to improve quality.

Joint effort

Nilton Díaz, Head of Community Relations at Minera Poderosa, stressed that they are committed to improving educational quality and this training strengthens the pedagogical performance of teachers.

Segundo Armas, district mayor of Pataz, welcomed the joint effort to carry out teacher training and ratified his administration’s commitment to education.

Jhon Caballero, head of Pedagogical Management at UGEL Pataz, recognized the commitment of the participating teachers to make training a space for human development that seeks to improve educational quality.

Gilder Quiñones, head of Pataz Association Local Projects, highlighted that the training strengthens teaching capacities in the different lines of intervention within their curricular plan. He also highlighted that Asociación Pataz has established a social innovation system focused on Misiones that seeks to close gaps in the Pataz district.

Mission 2: Educational innovation and social mobility

By 2030, the educational entities of the Pataz district will have a high level of educational quality in terms of relevance, access, infrastructure, and quality of teachers. This will allow 70% of children to continue towards higher education and decent employment.

Training: Strengthening the capacities of teachers at the initial, primary and secondary levels, Pataz 2023. Committed to improving the educational quality of Pataz; It was held at the IE Inmaculada Concepción and at the Pataz Municipal Library from April 10 to 14.


2023-04-23 16:33:51

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