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“I lead her and my father’s daughter” • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: “The Council of Leaders” program sheds light on the entry march, the presenter of the program, “Rahaf Al-Qahtani”, during her participation in the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival races.

Rahaf said during the programme, ‘By participating in the Camel Festival, I have won the love and support of the people. That in itself is a victory.’

The presenter of the programme, Rakan Al-Mughiri, commented on Rahaf Al-Qahtani’s entry into the festival, “We see Rahaf’s entry today with vintage cars, horses and camels, all these are arrangements,” and Rahaf said he interrupted, saying, “This is a march that is supposed to be luxurious…we enter with a heavy weight…and the coolest thing about this march is seeing the people around me.

Directing his speech to Rahaf, Rakan added a historical information for you, “There is no one who entered from the entrance gate to the camel entrance gate except you,” to Al-Qahtani’s reply, “ I ask you by God. .and by God Almighty, I didn’t feel… disoriented.”

One of the camel owners present expressed his protest against Rahaf’s march, saying, “We are protesting, Hunters’ Council. We have agreed from day one that no one can walk but a rider, but Rahaf walks.”

And Rahaf boycotted it, a new style and you are running in everything, and I represent you and you represent me, God willing, the best representation in this council.. You brothers made me walk over 2 kilos.

And she concluded her speech by saying: “I am guiding her and my parents’ daughter”, commenting on her entry as the last participant: “I have come to close the folders and walk”.

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