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“I knew his wife, I went to visit”: how the star of the “Battalion” Maria Aronova obtained personal happiness

Maria Aronova

Today, 51-year-old Maria Aronova is an actress loved by millions, a happy wife and mother of two adult children. The artist admits that, like all people, she made mistakes in life. Maria is still haunted by the experience of relationships, which she now considers rash. And once Aronova had to make excuses after careless words on the air of one of the TV programs. The actress then considered that she had become the object of real persecution.

“Could be a gifted actor and director”

Today in the filmography of Maria Valerievna there are more than 70 roles. Most viewers know her from the paintings “Battalion”, “Ice”, “Artist”, “Soldiers”. It is good that at one time Aronova was able to rely on the support of her family. The future star became pregnant in her first year at the Shchukin School.

If the girl’s position had been more shaky, her career might not have worked out. Mom did not shower her daughter with reproaches, she only said: “We won’t be able to change anything.” With the father of the son Vlad, who was born 31 years ago, Maria signed. But she couldn’t count on her husband.

Aronova’s first husband, Vladislav Gandrabura, has already finished his earthly journey. He was a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, was fond of philosophy. The actress does not hide: “He could be a gifted actor, director. But he had everything. He came when he wanted to, then disappeared.

Maria Aronova with her son Vladislav Gandrabura

Despite the fact that Maria named the child in honor of her husband, the family did not work out. Aronova’s son graduated from school as an external student. I was looking for myself as a culinary specialist – I studied at a specialized college.

As a result, like his mother, he became a student of “Pike”. Today he serves in the Theater. Vakhtangov and periodically acts in films. The same theater is the second home for the actress herself.

“I will never recapture a married man”

The novel, for which the actress reproaches herself, broke out with a colleague Valery Afanasiev. He is older by 22 years, besides he was married. He left his wife for a month and a half and moved in with Aronova, and then returned home.

Valery Afanasiev

Maria is still amazed at herself: “I always beat myself in the chest, it was my horse – they say, I will never beat off a married man. And they looked at me from somewhere above and laughed: are you sure? I knew his wife, I went to visit.

Afanasiev’s wife, Anna Ratnikova, worked as a theater props agent. The couple raised two sons and eventually lived together for 40 years. “I still worry that I didn’t have time to apologize to Anya: she died,” Maria Valeryevna sighs.

Anna passed away in 2015. The heart failed. Meanwhile, Valery left his wife for another woman more than once and admitted: “I offered to get a divorce in my declining years, maybe this affected her health.”

Head of transport department

Five years ago, Maria officially married Evgeny Fomin. And the relationship of the couple lasts more than 20 years. Fomin worked as the head of the transport department in the theater. Vakhtangov. He is 15 years older than his beloved. He took an active part in the upbringing of her son.

Maria Aronova and her husband Evgeny Fomin

The boy remained with Eugene when the actress was unexpectedly taken to the hospital. “When I returned, I found an apartment in perfect order. Flowers are watered, soup is on the stove, pot roast is in the oven. The child is well-groomed, the lessons have been learned, ”she was amazed.

The spouses have a common daughter, Seraphim, who will soon turn 19. It is known that the girl is seriously passionate about psychology. “I treat all people kind of like a mother treats children,” says Aronova. However, in 2012, she happened to be involved in a scandal related specifically to children.

Maria Aronova with her daughter Seraphim

“I’m being bullied guys”

For several months in 2012, Maria hosted a TV program on one of the central channels. Initially, the program was called “I love, I can’t”, and then it was called “Everything will be fine.”

After the airing of the issue, the guest of which was the mother of a child with Down syndrome, a serious public scandal erupted. The parent said that the child is problematic, in the province he is not accepted by any specialized institution. The help of metropolitan specialists is required.

Aronova later explained that she simply sided with the woman: “If I see that the child is aggressive and throws a pen or a spoon at me during the program, then I can conclude that if this child is not dealt with, then in the future he may throw an iron or a knife without understanding what he is doing. And a high-class specialist can prevent this, but mom alone cannot cope with this!

Maria Aronova in the program “Everything will be fine!”

The actress began to be persecuted. Her words were considered offensive by many. Among the outraged was the famous actress Evelina Bledans, who is raising her “sunny” son Semyon.

“I am incorrectly accused of insulting all children with Down syndrome. I’m being bullied guys! My life has been turned into hell. I kneel before you, you are great people. It’s such a pain for you. It is my fault that I spoke my thoughts very sharply and very colorfully. I apologize. If you consider it necessary to continue this massacre over me, the flag is in your hands, ”Aronova said on the NTV channel.

As a result, the reconciliation of the two actresses took place. Maria said goodbye to her work as a TV show host.

In 2021, the fantastic melodrama Couple from the Future was released. For the main role played in the film, Aronova received the Golden Eagle award. Soon the audience will see the actress in another major role – in the family comedy “Holidays”.

Source: “7 days”, NTV

Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva, Boris Kudryavov, Persona Stars, program frame, Global Look Press/Photoagency Interpress

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