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I kept experimenting and the gambling results changed depending on the seconds of the time.

[일반] I kept experimenting and the gambling results changed depending on the seconds of the time.

yep(1.240) 2024.10.28 03:15:46

What I found out by accident while repeatedly loading

If you load at the same time and repeat the advanced gambling game, the same units appear?

(For example, it’s 19, so I save in 30 seconds and exit -> Load and play all the advanced gambling as soon as I come in -> After seeing the result, go out again and load -> Play all the advanced gambling again -> Repeat)

In the first one, Shanks, Shanks Marco (rare), and Kuma Lucci appeared.

The second time comes out the same.

The third time, I felt something strange, so I pressed DDDD at first, waited a while, and then pressed DDD. The gamble that I pressed after the pause came out, but other people came out.

As soon as I entered the front, I clicked on the advanced gamble and 2 Shanks came out like the 1st and 2nd.

In addition, if you look at the posts that are posted from time to time, you will often see posts asking if you are 27% when gambling on Rayleigh with a boat given for 7ra and why it is not posted.

I don’t think it’s related to this, so I’ve been playing Rayleigh gambling 33 times at the same time, but it hasn’t happened once.

Even if it is implemented independently, it is a figure that makes no sense.

I feel like shit now so I gave up and am doing something else.



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