Al-Marsad Newspaper: The well-known Snape appeared, as “Al-Brahim”, flirting with Saud Al-Qahtani during a live broadcast on “Tik Tok”.
And “Al-Brahim” said: “I swear to God, you are sweeter than Tik Tok. I am shocked by you and my navigator. The navigator of Tik Tok and photography is unfair, and it is a character. Saud has them responded, saying, “You’re a cheater and I have to get a divorce because you’re a lie.”
He added, “Malahee is a personality of his height, body and shape, God willing and blessed be God. He is considered beautiful. His appearance is acceptable and does not fall under the youth that no one sees in them. The most important thing it is the personality, and you are a personality too.”
Saud continued, saying, I know their moves, and this is what goes wrong with me, so I concluded, “I’m a cash person, and I was wondering about the yellowing of your teeth.”