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‘I have no sentiment about the past.’ Arstarulsmirus about Gustavo, nostalgia and the musician’s responsibility

For the interview, I addressed him as Gustav, he answered and signed as Arstarulsmirus. He later explains that it would be more comfortable to address him that way. It is banal to start this conversation with the question of identity, but Arstarulsmirus himself conciliatoryly laughs that he will get to talk about it for the rest of his life anyway. But he was once adored on stage Gustavo – a personality known in Latvian hip-hop culture as a skillful stringer of texts and subtexts, a skilled musician and producer. He is often called an old master, a representative of the elite of the genre, who less than 10 years ago decided to put an end to this phase of his life with a public farewell concert, in order to devote himself to self-discovery, self-discovery and the search for new creative paths.

This summer came with the announcement of Gustavo’s return. Literally the next day after our conversation, a new song and its video “We need Gustavo back” were published, in which the present and the past, various images and quotes are intertwined in a witty twist. The musician himself says that he has no feelings about the past. However, the material has been accumulated, there is something to say about “Gustavo – Tabasco”. He didn’t promise to be like that forever – at least that’s what the rapper once rhymed himself in the song “Kur ir mana galodiņa”.

Along with the song and video, the musician also announced work on a new album, which will be released on November 25 this year. On the same day, fans will receive a book with Gustavo’s texts written between 2001 and 2011, as well as stories that shed light on the context of the creation of the specific texts. All this will be celebrated with the concert “Arena Rīga”, where the song “Beidzot!” from the album released in 2004 will be performed. repertoire.

Who am I talking to right now? With Gustavo or Arstarulsmirus?

With Arstarulsmirus. The question of identity will be something I will talk about for the rest of my life. There are probably no options. I fully identified with Astarulsmir. When you address me or write “Gustav”, to me it’s… like that. But Gustavo is a stage name, a project that is being revived. On a daily basis, I am quite comfortable being addressed as Arstarulsmirus. And so do all my fellow men. The passport has Gustavs Butelis, but, well, how often is it used… (Laughs.)

Why was it important for you to bring Gustavo, who is essentially your twenty-something identity, to life?

To be precise, from 20 to 33 years. And it started even earlier. First of all, while creating music and being in it up to the ears, quite a lot of material was created, which currently does not fit into the concept of Arstarulsmirus. Secondly, looking back and thinking about what connects me to Gustavo, I realized even quite a long time ago that

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