Home » today » Entertainment » “I had to see this man all the time” Demija Lovato’s harsh confession – she was raped

“I had to see this man all the time” Demija Lovato’s harsh confession – she was raped

The 28-year-old musician told in the documentary “Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil” that the culprit has not received any punishment for what he did.

The singer does not reveal the identity of the rapist, only points out that after the incident she “had to see this person all the time”. “I was silent because I always had something to say and I was tired of opening my mouth,” Levato said.

About the terrible past, Demi says, “We met, but I said, hey, it won’t go on. It didn’t matter. It was done the same way. I told myself it’s my fault because I went into the same room with him.”

In the film, the singer also talks about the “ring of promise” worn by several new stars including Demi and “Jonas Brothers”. It was like a symbolic promise to have sex only after the wedding.

“Well, what? I have to address the public after I’m told I have a promise ring? Six months later, I should have said I had sex even though it was rape? Some people won’t see it that way.”

According to the celebrity magazine People, Demi has also boldly confessed: “I have had brain damage, which I am still trying to deal with. I don’t drive because there are blind spots in my vision.”

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“Besides, I had trouble reading for a long time. It was a big event for me to be able to read the book. I could only do that about two months later because my vision was very blurred.”

The documentary about Demija Lovato’s harsh experience with drugs and the almost fatal outcome will be interesting to watch on YouTube from March 23. Demi will talk about how he became a star of Disney movies as a child, and about his mental health problems and addiction cure.

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