/ world today news/ The decline of life in all spheres has reached its critical point, below which the existence of both society and the state, and especially the Bulgarian nation, begins to become impossible. This is a dangerous moment in our history, which few feel, notice and realize, although the signs that heralded it are abundant and which now constantly make us open our eyes and ears to see and hear the testimonies of history, to analyze them and finally we wake up and stop missing them. We should no longer lie to ourselves that nothing is happening or threatening us and that the bloody sword of the Bulgarian border is not hanging over our heads.
I will not talk about poverty and misery. They bring Bulgarians to anger and despair. Nothing that the ideologues of neoliberalism and democracy promised after 1989 was achieved. And it was not achieved, because these were brazen lies and frauds, empty stories and slogans to entice the gullible and naive, so that the material national wealth could be looted and a new social order established. For a long time, the cause of the economic problems was sought in the “legacy of socialism”. Then came the justification that, you see, the Communists had installed themselves in power and used dishonest means to take economic power after losing political power. Added to this was the “insidious role” of the former state security and what not. We entered the European Union, but instead of the standard of living rising, it fell even more.
Material poverty is appalling, but in our history we have experienced even more appalling misery and still survived. We survived because our spirit was strong and our faith was strong and true. But never before has material well-being become absolute, it has not been a personal and public goal, a fetish. All socio-political changes were expected and welcomed as deliverance from injustices and social evil, and it was identified not only with poverty. And all of them have been some big or small step for the better. But not the current ones.
The changes of the end of the last century completely changed the social paradigm, rejected traditional values and introduced ugly ideas and rules for social order and morality. The market economy and its society that was established turned everything into a commodity to be sold or bought. Man himself was characterized as such a commodity, albeit with a low price – or at least his labor, health, need for education, work, entertainment, information are the commodity that is exposed on the market and a buyer is sought. If you have money, you will live, you will be treated, you will study, you will travel, you will eat; you will have a roof over your head and bread on the table. All this created brutal relations between people, arranged them in an ugly social hierarchy, put greedy and corrupt people in power. And everyone’s hopes were huge, because they had seen the implementation of liberal ideas in the countries of Western Europe and wanted it to happen in our country as well. Thank God, the illusions were quickly dispelled, and not by anyone else, but by those who sowed them among the Bulgarians. They were the ones who usurped the power won supposedly in democratic and “transparent” elections. These very people grabbed the national wealth, earned huge money and lived lavishly on the backs of the poor and downtrodden. They introduced the new “European” values, spoke a new language, abandoned national traditions and simplified everything. Never before has it been so foul, bleak and immoral. Life, especially in the last dozen years or so, has turned out to be an aimless existence, an animalistic effort to survive. The national consciousness was insulted, the efforts of our national history to affirm the Bulgarian national state, the Bulgarian national soul itself, were devalued.
Then what should the Bulgarian live for? What to strive for, what to preserve and pass on to the next generations.?
More than 25 years ago, they convinced the first Bulgarian president that, having failed to reason with the newly hatched democrats who had lost their minds, who besieged the National Assembly, he said: “It’s better for the tanks to come!”. It is better for the tanks to come to restore order and cool the minds and passions of the hardened wretches and naïves sent for foreign interests to “change the system”.
Alas, the tanks did not come and we saw what happened.
But today many people already want the tanks to come to put an end to this national drama and return, if nothing else, at least the national state and the national dignity of the Bulgarians. People expect and even crave radical change, which (and they understand it perfectly) will come through violent actions, not through elections and any “democratic” means. After all, the current horror came with external participation and even direct intervention. Why not be cleared the same way. But the “tanks” are still a metaphor denoting that force that will destroy the ugly world and propose a new system of political order, in which social justice and the power of the smart, the reasonable, the educated, the patriots and the dignified will finally be established Bulgarians.
Look at what a brazen, brutal, shameless and simple-minded government rules us today. Look at the Prime Minister, who, in order to save his political skin, is ready for lies, betrayals, manipulations. There was no such miracle – agree. This guy talks nonsense, and no one dares to tell him to his face that this is not the way to talk, that the people should be respected, that words should be chosen and sentences constructed according to the laws of the literary Bulgarian language.
I want to, but it is hard for me to believe that it is possible to achieve liberation with Bulgarian means, i.e. with Bulgarian tanks. And not only because we no longer have an army, and to the extent that it does exist, its tanks are not so numerous and combat-capable to carry out such a mission. Unfortunately, our society is highly corrupted, corroded from within, decayed to be able only to fight off the diseases that have attacked it. Therefore, we will lean on our brothers in blood and faith and wait for their resurgent strength and consciousness of a historic mission in this world to do their duty.
I have no doubt that such a force will cross our borders and bring about important change. But in order for this to happen, it is necessary that the political situation is sufficiently prepared here, that the intolerance towards the current status quo is at its extreme, and that a mature and prepared political entity for its new role, capable of immediately assuming power, has formed made the necessary changes and directed the country and the people in a new direction. With this destruction, it will not be enough to make only reforms and improvements, but a radical change of the entire socio-political and economic system will be necessary. It is necessary to finally fulfill the concept of “welfare state” with content and real meaning, in order to be able to demand from the state effective intervention and control in the distributive, above all, mechanisms of the economy.
This scumbag must finally be swept away from the administration of the state, in order to restore morals and morality in power and free the people and society from the tyranny of mediocrity, vulgarity and simpleton that reign today. They will not leave voluntarily. Therefore, they will have to be swept away by force.
The first step will be taken in the presidential elections, when the current ruling gang must receive the steel blow of the angry and tortured majority!
People are eagerly waiting for “the tanks to come” to put an end to the humiliation and shame of being Bulgarians.
#guess #time #tanks