Home » today » Entertainment » “I got on the wrong tram.” Musician Arnis Mednis and singer Anmary share their memories of “Eurovision”

“I got on the wrong tram.” Musician Arnis Mednis and singer Anmary share their memories of “Eurovision”

On this occasion, Arnim Medni was thanked by the charming and gentle singer Anmary. “Thank you for being the musical godfather, thank you for your intelligence, thank you for seeing the strength, talent and voice. It has given me so much that you have introduced me to the world of music. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

The two musicians also shared their memories of Eurovision, and looking back at this grand musical event, Anmary does not hide that what we see on TV is completely different when you are there. “I was terribly naive. I had no idea that everyone would have their own opinion, everyone would want to pull the deck to their side. Looking back now, I would have liked to be alone on stage, that’s how I felt, but Eurovision was a school of life where I learned to be more careful trusting people!”

Mednis also shared his story: “I quickly realized that I had boarded the wrong tram.”

He remembers the story about the back-vocalist’s dresses most vividly. “There, the rule was that after the third attempt, you shouldn’t change your outfit. One of the backing vocalists was ready to drown because she hated the dress. We thought – what to do, and we thought that we could “accidentally” tear the dress while walking by the radiator. We showed the torn dress and the singer who cried like a sobbing piglet.”

The effort was in vain because the dress was sewn and had to be worn. He honestly admits that he participated in Eurovision out of curiosity, without any greater purpose.

Arnim needs constant activity, so together with other masters of his profession, he is currently working on a new project “Ethno beat”, in which Latvian folk music is experimented with new sounds.

At the end of the conversation, both musicians are grateful that life has brought them together. Being together and communicating is a privilege and should be appreciated!

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