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I felt sad, ugly, lonely and fat!


Nearly four years after becoming a mother for the first time, Maria Ilieva finally shared the shocking details of how she felt then. It is known that the singer broke up with her son’s father a few days after the boy cried, and it is even said that she got pregnant by accident. To this day, she had not allowed herself to talk about it in public. Only now does she admit how bad she felt at the time and how she managed to get out of depression in just one day.

“I felt terribly sad, ugly, lonely, fat and untangled” – with these words Maria Ilieva describes the first day after discharge from the maternity hospital. She claims that she always wanted to have many children, but something failed forever in her relationship with men. That is why she gave birth to her first child – Alexander, in 2018, when she was 40 years old. The father is far younger than the singer emigrant Georgi Mihailov, about whom the star hardly speaks.

“My son is the fruit of a turbulent story that made sense with his appearance,” Maria Ilieva summed up the situation in an interview with the New Man podcast. Her pregnancy with the boy was very easy, the star was happy to become a mother, but as soon as she gave birth, she experienced the severity of postpartum depression. “I thought this child would die at any moment because I didn’t know what to do and how to take care of him. I was crying a lot – a complete tragedy!”, Recalls the singer of “Moon Dream”. She calls all these feelings “hysteria that accompanies the hormonal storm” and claims that she dealt with them in just one day. “Before I went to bed, I said to myself that I neither like nor accept it, I don’t want to be like that, and when I wake up, I wake up cheerful, happy, grateful that everything that happened happened to me. And I’m starting to act “, the star summarizes, Hotarena writes. And that’s what really happened – there was no sign of depression the next morning. According to the singer, such a happy turn was possible, he worked on her psyche and emotional intelligence for years. Ilieva does not specify exactly what this “job” consists of, but it is most likely a matter of consultations with good psychologists. Eventually, the star managed to return to work on the 40th day after birth.

The second pregnancy was different. Her daughter Sofia was born at the end of June this year, and her father is Alexander Mezhdurechki, son of the late former mayor of Sofia Petar Mezhdurechki. The singer claims that this is the man she wants to stay with for the rest of her life. She commented with a sense of humor on her overweight as a result of pregnancy. “Introduce yourself a little more spatially in the universe, but there’s nothing strange about looking like a woman who gave birth after giving birth.” Now Maria Ilieva felt “much more meaningful, happy, loved, because I met my partner, with whom I want to share my life to the end, and this feeling is very special to me. What could be better than when someone makes you feel this way, make sense of it with a child? There was no extra stress – whether the baby will survive or not. My fears became more moderate. This happiness that accompanied the process made me calmer and bolder, looking ahead, “Maria concludes.

The singer is not worried that her two children have different fathers. She herself is a child of divorced parents who separate while still in kindergarten. She remembers the stigma of divorce during the mature socialist era in which she grew up. As a result, many people have restrained their whole urge to be happy – maybe somewhere else, with another person. These are so many failed lives and unhappiness! I am happy to have been independent enough to be able to make choices, which will make me feel in place, good, dignified and looking forward “, the singer claims. Regarding her unsuccessful relationships before the meeting with her partner – Alexander Mezhdurechki, she claims that she never allowed them to weigh her so much as to “break her stance”. “I stood up and knew that I may have had unsuccessful attempts, but one day they will lead me to the successful one,” said the star.

After the second birth, as well as after the first, she returned to work only 40 days later. She felt an inner urge to do so. And since the audience received her very warmly, she decided not to stop.

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