Home » today » World » I experienced domestic violence, says Šichtařová. “We’re getting a divorce, it’s slander,” Pikora rejects

I experienced domestic violence, says Šichtařová. “We’re getting a divorce, it’s slander,” Pikora rejects

Economist Markéta Šichtařová, three years after living with her seven children separately from her husband, economist Vladimír Pikora, dramatically described the circumstances of their separation. IN conversation she described it to iDnes as a flight to avoid psychological and physical terror and violence. Pikora denies that he was a rapist, calling the accusations against Šiktařová slander. On the contrary, he accuses her of infidelity. In addition, he considers the whole thing to be an election campaign. Šichtařová is running for the Senate in Prague 4 for Svobodná. The first deputy chairman of the Senate, Jiří Drahoš, is now a senator in this district.

Šichtařová was in a relationship with Vladimir Pikora for over twenty years. Together they not only had seven children aged between 3 and 18, but also a joint company for economic consulting. They appeared in public for a long time as a happy couple of two economists, and published several books together. According to Šichtařová, the situation in their household has not been so idyllic in the last ten years. Now the couple has not lived together for three years and is in divorce proceedings.

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According to Šichtařová, her ex-husband suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder. “Initially, however, it didn’t really matter, we worked side by side for several years without any problems. I sensed that my partner was ill. I wanted to make it easier for him, so I agreed, for example, that I would wash my hands too if he asked me to, because that would make him feel better. But at a certain point, everything started to go downhill. His behavior gradually changed and there were more things in the household that were allegedly contaminated – first with microbes, at a later stage with radioactivity,” Šichtařová describes the beginnings of later problems.

According to Šichtařová, the functioning of the household gradually changed. In the interview, she also describes her husband’s outbursts of anger. These also led to some physical attacks or injuries in connection with broken dishes. “Far worse was the omnipresent fear. It was clear that any careless movement was enough and a terrible explosion would follow. There was a permanent threat of something indeterminate in the air, which we knew would be terrible, but we didn’t know what exactly it would be,” says Šichtařová.

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She finally decided to run away with the children. She planned her escape, including with some of her children. Under the bed they had prepared packages with things for 48 hours. After one of the husband’s tantrums when he left the house, they then ran and hid. They only returned to the house when the husband left for treatment. According to her, they changed the locks and created a small fortress out of the house, Šichtařová describes the end of their cohabitation.

Economist Vladimir Pikora sharply objected to the interview and the information contained in it. He called them slander on the Facebook social network. “They have been trying to use these slanders in court for the entire three years of our ongoing divorce. However, neither the statements of our children nor the psychological assessments that I had to undergo in the divorce proceedings confirmed any of this,” said Pikora.

According to Pikora, Šichtařová came forward in this way because of her political career. He denied that he had terrorized or physically attacked her, on the contrary, he stated that Šichtařová threw him out of the house. “The truth is that she threw me out of our house immediately after that, denied me access to my accounts, cut me off from my property, and now she is trying to prevent me from having contact with my children in court. She literally told me that she would destroy me,” said Pikora. who will solve the whole matter through legal means.

Šichtařová has been supporting Svobodné since 2023. She was part of the campaign for the European elections, although she did not run in those elections. Now he is running for Svobodná in the senate elections in Prague 4. Vladimír Pikora ran for Motoristé seba in the European Parliament elections this year. He did not get into the European Parliament.

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