Ilona Siekkinen tells Iltalehti in more detail about her last will.

Ilona Siekkinen decided to start making a will. PASI LIESIMAA
Fitness influencer Ilona Siekkinen28, took the reins into his own hands and started creating a will. Siekkinen tells Iltalehti that the will was planned on Wednesday and the papers will be signed next week.
Siekkinen says that he realized the importance of a will after he and his fiancé Mikko Niiranen Isaac– the baby died in the womb in the spring. Siekkinen said at the same time that the cause was found to be a very rare syndrome that caused early amniotic fluid and eventually stillbirth.
– The reality hit me in the face, that you can leave here just as quickly. I want to ensure that my property is distributed to the people I want it to go to.
– At the moment it would automatically go to my parents. Quite frankly, I don’t want to leave it to my own parents. I feel that they would certainly not want anything from me. I don’t owe them anything, he adds.
Ilona Siekkinen does not want to leave her property to her parents. PASI LIESIMAA
According to Siekkinen, he currently has a neutral relationship with his parents, and there is no drama between them. The fitness trainer says that he discussed his decision to change the will with his parents.
– [Reaktio] was quite neutral. They have always encouraged me in my decisions regarding my own money matters. They think I know what I’m doing.
– I don’t think they would even care. They’re not after my money, maybe the other way around. They themselves think that it would be worthwhile to make a will.
Siekkinen reveals a little what is currently written in his will.
– Personal property goes to my spouse and my company’s affairs elsewhere. It’s a pretty clear division.
The tax information published on Thursday revealed that Ilona Siekkinen earned 140,000 euros last year.
– Yes it is [testamentti] brings such security that I have been able to decide on these matters myself, Siekkinen tells Iltalehte. PASI LIESIMAA
For Siekki, making a will brings both peace of mind and an unreal feeling.
– I had to be young, maybe a little naive and have a life ahead of me and suddenly I’m on the verge of such things. Sure, life is still ahead, but maybe I’ve woken up to the reality that maybe things don’t always go very well, the fitness coach opens.
– The joy of life has changed. I’m more of a “fury realist”, so to speak, and I don’t draw paintings on the walls with heart glasses in my eyes. The death of one’s own child darkens life quite a lot, he continues.
Siekkinen’s idea of death has also changed with the loss of his child, drawing up a will and choosing his own burial place. He says that he once lived through such dark periods that he didn’t want to live anymore. When a tombstone with space for his and Miko’s names was hit, Siekkinen’s world of thought changed completely.
– I thought I don’t want to end up there. That fact was so harsh that I’m going there. Yes, it removes useless things from life that eat away at one’s own strength.
Siekkinen told Iltalehti in September that they have grave sites for the same grave as their dead baby.
#dont #leave #parents