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I don’t think about showbiz

Before getting into the box located in Congress, the Secretary General of Truckers repudiated the statements of the former national deputy.

In full mobilization for the CGT strike, he General Secretary of Truckers, Pablo Moyano, He uttered an ironic phrase directed especially towards his brother, Facundo, while heading towards the box located in the Congress, where he served as speaker before the thousands of protesters who gathered there.

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“I don’t have an opinion on showbiz,” wielded forcefully Moyano, in reference to his brother’s recent self-critical comments, in which he criticized the interior of the workers’ union and the Government of Alberto Fernández.

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The release of Facundo Moyano

“This strike should have been two years ago, I was part of the disaster. As a deputy I voted for every stupid thing! I hope the leaders blame me for what I say…”, he remarked Facundo Moyano in dialogue with CNN Radio.

In tune, the former national deputy He added: “For me, beyond the demonstration that I believe has to be peaceful and will be peaceful, in my particular case it has to have a sense of deep self-criticism, of Peronism, of the CGT, of the leadersof those who will never have it, because They will always blame others”.

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Facundo Moyano, without filters against his brother Pablo

And he remarked: “If today in Argentina there is a situation of being inflation world championssecond consecutive year that we are world champions in something, unfortunately in inflation, It is because of the disaster that occurred during the four years of Alberto Fernández’s government”.

“This strike should have been two years ago,” said Facundo Moyano.

Continuing with the protest this Wednesday, Moyano He pointed out: “I came to the conclusion that we all have to do self-criticism. If there are no Peronist leaders who make self-criticism, here is one who does. This strike should have been two years ago”.

In turn, the political leader acknowledged that it was “part of the disaster, I was a national deputyI was on the list Alberto Fernandezwho before becoming president said that he was going to be the president who was going to end the rift, who was going to build the Front of Allwhich ended up being the ‘front of a few’, who appointed representatives in important companies and who melted practically all of them.”

“I can tell you about my activity in particular, with specific numbers, they destroyed them. Being a deputy I voted for a lot of stupid things,” he concluded.

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