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‘I Die Because I Don’t Die’ by Paco Bezerra, number 1 on Amazon

The book, published by the SGAE Foundation, reaches its eighth edition

A text that has not yet been performed in Spain

Winner of the SGAE Jardiel Poncela Award in 2021

The text I die because I don’t die. Teresa’s double life by the Almería playwright Paco Bezerra (1978), published by the SGAE Foundation in its TeatroAutor collection, has become the best-selling play in Spain on Amazon, the main online commerce website worldwide.

The book, which has already been published eight times, won the SGAE Jardiel Poncela Theatre Award in 2021, becoming the best dramatic text in our country that year. Its quality has allowed the book to overtake great titles on this platform such as The House of Bernarda of Alba by Federico García Lorca, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child or other works by Virginia Woolf or Agatha Christie. But what differentiates Bezerra’s work from the others with which it shares the ranking is that I die because I don’t die. Teresa’s double life It has never been performed in any theatre in Spain, following the cancellation of its premiere at the Teatros del Canal in Madrid in 2022.

This milestone, furthermore, becomes even more relevant if one takes into account that in Spain only 0.9% of the population reads theatrical texts, according to the latest Survey of Cultural Habits and Practices of the Ministry of Culture.

Supported by the SGAE Foundation

In addition to publishing it in its TeatroAutor collection, the SGAE Foundation has always supported the dissemination of I die because I don’t die. Teresa’s double life. After its cancellation at the Teatros del Canal in Madrid, the piece was performed in a dramatized reading format at the Sala Berlanga in 2022, with performances by The film stars Aitana Sanchez Gijon, Ana Belen, Nathalie Poza, Julieta Serrano and Gloria Munoz. A dramatised reading of the work was also recently given at the Avignon Theatre Festival.

In addition, another of his works, My Little Ponydeveloped at the III Theatrical Writing Laboratory of the SGAE Foundation, traveled to the Theater Festival of Bucharest (Romania) on June 24 for a dramatized reading, thanks to the TeatroAutor.es program of the SGAE Foundation and the Cervantes Institute.

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