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“I didn’t like that they threw the old men back and brought them to Punta”

Former President José Mujica criticized the government’s Covid-19 vaccine distribution system. At the opening of the Atchugarry Museum of Contemporary Art (MACA), he answered a journalist who asked him if the message was to get vaccinated. “Yes, of course and vaccinate the old,” Mujica replied.

Then he added: “I did not like that they threw the old men back and brought the vaccines at will, to Punta (del Este)“, referring to the promotion of vaccination to tourists.” There was a lot of old people who were waiting, “he lamented.

The mayor of Maldonado, Enrique Antía, told The Observer Last week, having given the covid-19 vaccine to tourists free of charge was a “hit” by the government.

“There are many people who are not scheduled and want to be vaccinated. That is why I think it is very good what the Director of Health achieved: It achieved that within a reasonable framework -30 or 40 vaccinations every day- additional vaccinations can be given. That is, that number of vaccines without an agenda will be able to be given. But that they continue to be scheduled, because there are few, “he added.

The MACA official opening ceremony was attended by the president Luis Lacalle Pou, some ministers and former presidents José Mujica and Julio María Sanguinetti, among other hierarchs and legislators.

More than 6 thousand people attended the opening of the museum created by the Pablo Atchugarry Foundation. Despite limited opening day venues, the museum It will be open to the public, with free admission.

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